
Chinese international student studying in us

Fear Personal Echoes:

You will need the student’s background. He is a Chinese international student studying in U.S.


Think about the two essays you've been working with in your homework assignments so far. I imagine you chose your essays because you sensed they had something to do with things you care about. Now it is time to clarify how you are connected to your chosen texts, why they excited you in the first place, why the ideas are important to you.

NOTE: the two essays the teacher’s talking about are the two articles uploaded. You also used them in order S-8601-6211-5082.

Jot down some notes trying to capture personal connections to one or both of your essays. What immediately comes to mind? Think about specific moments in your life, specific places you have spent time. Consider also skills you have invested time and energy coming to understand. Which parts of your identity (versions of yourself) does your essay speak to? What pieces of you echo in the words you have been reading over and over?

Begin your assignment by typing out three brief passages from your chosen essays that you feel particularly connected to. These are the passages that will anchor the rest of the work that you produce for this assignment. Move on now to start your own writing. Begin by telling your own story. Re-tell a memory, recount an area of fascination or study, remember a problem that perplexed you. After you anchor your reader in your narrative, find ways to incorporate the passages at the top of your document. Write consciously, stepping away from your self, seeking sense in the connections. Don’t tell me simply that what you experienced is the same as what your essayist writes about. Tell me instead how your experience complicates the essay’s ideas, or vice versa.

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