
Children, care and education - issues and contexts

Problem 1: Respond to the UNCRC's General Comment No.7 and discuss how the perspective compares with:

a) Your own assumptions about young children (particularly prior to ECE100). Elaborate on what you think about TWO of the articles highlighted in this Comment (i.e., articles 2, 3, 6 and 12) as having significant implications for rights in early childhood; and

b) The image of the child that is presented in the Singapore Early Years Development Framework (ECDA, 2013) and the Nurturing Early Learners Kindergarten Curriculum Framework (MOE, 2012).

Problem 2:  "As holders of rights, even the youngest children are entitled to express their views, which should be 'given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child' (Article 12.1). Young children are acutely sensitive to their surroundings and very rapidly acquire understanding of the people, places and routines in their lives, along with awareness of their own unique identity. They make choices and communicate their feelings, ideas and wishes in numerous ways, long before they are able to communicate through the conventions of spoken or written language." (UNCRC General Comment no.7, page 7)

The underlying intent of Article 12 is not about giving in to the child's whims and fancies. Propose THREE ways in which ECCE teachers and programs can support children's ideas in educative (non-frivolous) ways that are also meaningful to children. Create short scenarios to describe and illustrate what you mean.

Problem 3: Read the UN's response to Singapore's first and second reports and compare them with our most recent submissions (fourth and fifth reports). Select ONE issue raised by the UN as an area for improvement and discuss if you think Singapore has indeed made significant improvements. The issue you select must be relevant to young children (birth through age 8) and their families.

You should analyze and interpret Singapore's progress in the issue by reviewing relevant local news articles, reports and other reliable sources as evidence to support your argument. You could also include ECDA's Early Childhood Development Centre licensing requirements and media announcements from the period of 2017 - 2019.

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