
Childhood began to be recognized as a special part of life

Child and Adolescent Counseling

1. Childhood began to be recognized as a special part of life during which of these historical periods:
a. Early Greek society

b. Early Roman society

c. The Enlightenment

d. Medieval time

2. John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau emphasized that children
a. Were property of their parents

b. Deserved to be raised with thought and care

c. Should learn to work at an early age

d. May not be qualified to receive an education

3.One of the most significant indicators of poor long-term outcomes for children is
a. Confused value system

b. Lack of health insurance

c. Single parent family

d. Grandparents living far away

4. Well-being can be described as
a. An irreducible need

b. Not being ill

c. Absence of distress

d. Judging life positively and feeling good

5. Resilience is
a. Well-being

b. Absence of distress

c. Ability to handle stress positively

d. Rare

6. The frontal lobe of the brain controls
a. Reasoning

b. Breathing

c. Visual stimuli

d. Spatial information

7. The largest part of the brain is the
a. Occipital lobe

b. Cerebrum

c. Brain stem

d. Cerebellum

8. Ethnic identity development models have which of the following stages?
a. Immersion and introspection

b. Dissonance and commitment

c. Resistance and advocacy

d. Awareness and outrage

9. The main areas of multicultural competence focus on awareness, knowledge and
a. Similarities

b. Secrets

c. Skills

d. Stories

10. List Maslow's five Hierarchy of Needs (in order):






11. List Piaget's Four Stages of Cognitive Development





12.Which of the following is a counselor characteristic that leads to successful counseling outcomes?
a. Situational ethical stance

b. Directive approach

c. Using many questions

d. Openness and flexibility

13. Successful counseling treatments include which of these components?
a. Focus on problem etiology

b. Goals and direction

c. An engaging setting

d. Low expectations

14. Ventilation, a common factor of therapeutic change, means that people
a. Meet outside when possible

b. Discuss their secrets

c. Have a place to express to express emotions and still be accepted

d. Learn deep breathing techniques

15. When children are forced into counseling, their reactions may include
a. Relief

b. Disbelief

c. Understanding

d. Fear, anger and resistance

16. Step 2 in the authors' six-stage counseling model is which of these?
a. Understanding the child

b. Clarifying the child's expectations

c. Exploring what has been done to solve the problem

d. Defining the problem through active listening

17. A helpful hint for asking children questions is to
a. Use pronouns instead of names

b. Use names instead of pronouns

c. Use time sequence such as what was first, second, etc.

d. Ask "Do you understand what I mean?"

18.Virtue ethics focus on which of the following?
a. Laws

b. Human character

c. Obligations

d. Duty

19. Formal permission given by a client for the beginning of counseling is known as
a. Assent

b. Informed consent

c. Confidentiality

d. Privileged communication

20. Respect for autonomy of clients
a. Does not apply to children in the justice system

b. Supersedes all other ethical principles

c. Has no age limit

d. Depends on the age of majority in the state

21. Failure to create and maintain counseling records
a. Requires legal advice

b. Allows counselors to maintain confidentiality

c. Prevents FERPA violations

d. Opens the counselor to lawsuits for malpractice

22. In the case of serious and foreseeable harm, the counseling has a duty to
a. Protect themselves from licensure board violations

b. Inform an identifiable, potential victim

c. Call the ethics hotline

d. Ignore a subpoena

23. Suicide risks for children and adolescents are
a. A prevalent and lethal problem

b. Easily assessed

c. Not sufficient situations to notify parents

d. Overstated

24. Mandated reporting of child abuse exists
a. In most states

b. To supplement ethical codes

c. In every state

d. To support Departments of Human Services

25. The definition of malpractice includes
a. Working with a child's parents

b. Responding to a subpoena

c. Acting when the counselor sees a duty

d. Professional misconduct

26. Freud's major principles were based on which of the following?
a. His work with Charcot on hypnosis

b. His clinical study of patients undergoing treatment

c. His discussions with colleagues in the Vienna

d. His work with Little Hans

27. Freud viewed all people as
a. Basically good

b. Neither good nor evil

c. Torn between different schedules of reinforcement

d. Victims of impulses

28. According to Freud, the ego
a. Contains all our basic human instincts

b. Mediates balance between reality and our impulses

c. Our personal moral standard

d. Incorporates our conscience

29. Erikson's stage in which children learn to be productive is known as
a. Initiative vs. guilt

b. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

c. Industry vs. inferiority

d. Identity vs. confusion

30. Theodore has a friend who moved. He tells his therapist that he doesn't miss his friend and really doesn't care. His parents have reported that he no longer plays with others. This is an example of which of these concepts:
a. Omissions

b. Excesses

c. Free association

d. Discrepancies

31.A helpful aspect of biblicounseling includes child
a. Reading about alternative solutions

b. Writing a book report for a teacher

c. Being entertained by the counselor

d. Connecting to the title of the book

32. The fundamental goal of psychoanalytic play therapy is that the child
a. Learn to free associate

b. Gain insight into self

c. Transfer affection to the play therapist

d. Enhance the current pain

33. Which of the following concepts is related to the psychoanalytic play therapy process?
a. Resistance

b. Displacement

c. Attachment

d. Intellectualization

34. Object relations theory is based on the assumption that
a. The ego must be the stronger than the id

b. Potty training predicts a person's adult relationships

c. Developmental stages must be resolved appropriately

d. Adult relationships center on our earliest, intense connections

35. Rogers viewed people as
a. Trapped by their instincts

b. Strong and capable

c. Inherently evil

d. Having few choices

36. Rogers definition that reads "totality of the perceptions of the child" refers to the concept of
a. The Self

b. The person

c. The world

d. The basis of understanding a client

37.In client-centered counseling, the counselor focuses on
a. The explanations

b. The past

c. The problem

d. The person

38. The most current terminology for Rogers' theory is which of the following:
a. Person-centered therapy

b. Client-centered therapy

c. Nondirective therapy

d. Humanistic therapy

39. One of the core conditions of Rogers' type of therapy include
a. Strengths

b. Joy

c. Congruence

d. Problem analysis

40. A critical skill in child-centered counseling is
a. Active listening

b. Reality testing

c. Dream interpretation

d. Intake interviewing

41. Motivational interviewing incorporates goals related to
a. Goal attainment

b. Change

c. Empathy

d. Warmth

42. In child-centered play therapy the focus stays on
a. The materials the child chooses

b. The structure of the child's play

c. The relationship

d. The pace of the child's play

43. An aspect of person-centered therapy relevant across cultures is
a. Focus on growth and development

b. Not emphasizing cultural differences

c. Directive approach

d. Recognition of common defense mechanisms

44. According to the Gestalt therapy philosophy, people have psychological problems because
a. their career aspirations do not match their life styles

b. they have become separated from important parts of themselves such as emotions

c. their intrinsic and extrinsic reward systems do not meet their needs

d. they have not reconciled their ideal self and their real self

45. Gestalt therapists focus on which of the following techniques
a. Summarization

b. Active listening

c. Nonverbals

d. Open questions

46. Gestalt therapy emphasizes
a. Direct experiences

b. Behavioral analysis

c. Socratic dialogue

d. Relationship mapping

47. Gestalt therapy concentrates on
a. Changing behavior

b. Talking

c. Questioning

d. Exploring

48. According to Perls, when people are trapped in their phony layer, they
a. Have become aware of how they limit themselves

b. Are aware of fears that maintain their games

c. Have integrated themselves with their experiences

d. Have social masks to hide themselves

49. The school counselor asks Jamal to talk about how much he likes his new sister. Then the counselor asks him to sit in another chair and explain things he does not like. This is an example of which of the following Gestalt techniques?
a. Empty chair technique

b. Substitution

c. Polarities

d. Reversals

50.Gestalt therapy takes which of the following views for examining a problem?
a. Contextual factors that impact the situation

b. Global, big picture view

c. Systemic implications of the situation

d. Specific aspects of the situation

51. The time orientation of Gestalt therapy can best be explained as
a. Here-and-now

b. Past trauma

c. Integration of past-present-future

d. Future planning

52. Skinner believed people are products of their
a. Attachments

b. Awareness of the here-and-now

c. Experiences and environment

d. Psychic introspections

53. In the ABC model of behavioral counseling, please list what each letter stands for. (hint: pg 250)




54. The scientific method used by behavioral counselors includes which of the following
a. Sampling

b. Global view of problems

c. Counterconditioning

d. Testable framework

55. Extinction is the process of
a. Reinforcing a behavior by presenting a reward

b. Reducing a behavior by providing a reward for not doing it

c. Reducing a behavior by ignoring it

d. Increasing a behavior by rewarding its opposite

56. Shaping involves learning by
a. Mastering small steps of the task

b. Executing the most important step of the task

c. Reinforcing the completion of the task

d. Creating a model of the task

57. Goals of behavioral counseling differ from goals in other theories in which of the following way?
a. Focus on the action causing the thought

b. Focus on specificity

c. Focus on global perspective

d. Focus on the thought behind the action

58. The first step in behavioral counseling involves (hint: see page 251)
a. Determining strategy

b. Determining baseline

c. Describing target behavior

d. Identifying goals

59. Dave has rehearsed approaching a new person within the counseling session. The counselor asks him to approach one new person during the coming week and try out this new behavior which is an example of which of the following techniques
a. Rehearsal

b. Homework assignment

c. Contingency contract

d. Modeling

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