
Child disability project

You have been working with Perry and his family for the past two years. During this time, Perry has been attending a private preschool that specializes in working with children who have exceptional needs. In fact, Perry, has multiple needs as he is physically handicapped and in a wheel chair. Further, he suffers from both ADHD and ODD. His parents have been pleased with his progress but are nervous about his moving from the private school to the public school in his neighborhood. Perry will be entering kindergarten in the fall and his parents have asked you to attend a meeting with them, the kindergarten teacher, the school psychologist, and the school counselor. They are worried that he will not receive the attention that he had in his preschool.

1. According to the No Child Left Behind act, what must the school provide for him? Use support from the act in your response.

2. What strategies will you suggest that the classroom teacher use in class to help Perry to feel welcome and to learn?

3. What should the parents do to ensure that Perry is receiving the services that are listed in his Individual Education Plan (IEP)?

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Biology: Child disability project
Reference No:- TGS0522556

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