
Child development 1 if researchers want to keep the

Question: Child Development

1. If researchers want to keep the attention of 8 week old infants, they would use these colors:

a. blue and green

b. yellow and blue

c. green and red

d. green and yellow

2. In the Still Face Experiment, the baby reacts with despair because

a. She has lost her ability to read her mother's mood

b. She has lost her ability to socially engage her mother

c. She has lost her ability to regain her mother's engagement

d. All of these

3. A mother goes to the pediatrician, and she asks at what age the infant began to crawl. The mother answers "Seven months." This is called

a. Normative development

b. Individual development

c. Behavioral Organization

d. Evolution

4. This researcher claimed that an unavailable mother could cause a non-integrated personality in her infant

a. Freud

b. Horney

c. Bandura

5. Erikson theorized a Stage Development theory, but unlike Freud's psycho-sexual stages, it is

a. psychoanalytical

b. information processing

c. psychosocial

6. If a 25-year-old person cannot find a relationship partner with similar interests and experiences constant breakups, Erikson would claim that she had not moved elegantly through this prior stage:

a. Intimacy v. Isolation

b. Initiative v. Guilt

c. Phallic

d. Identity v. Role Confusion

7. If you have a question about whether a newborn knows his mother's voice, and you wish to do research on this topic, you frame a statement, "Newborns recognize their mothers' voices at two days old." This statement is your

a. Research question

b. Hypothesis

c. Lab experiment

8. A research design where experimenters control the situation in a closed environment and manipulate a variable to rule out other influences is a

a. Natural observation

b. Lab experiment

c. Interview

9. The pregnant mother feels her best during this trimester

a. first

b. second

c. third

10. A problem with controlled experiments is

a. No one knows if it will also pertain to situations in the natural environment.

b. The experimenter has to pay his/her subjects.

c. The experimenter must find random subjects.

d. The experimenter must train his/her confederate subjects.

11. An 8-year old child explains that a playground fight she observed could have been avoided if the two children involved had first "talked things out." This is an example of

a. Piaget's Preoperational Stage

b. Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage

c. Sociocultural Theory

d. Proximal Development

12. The theory that explains thought processes by comparing them to a computer is

a. Sociocultural Theory

b. Piaget's Formal Operational Theory

c. Information-Processing Theory

d. Psychoanalytical Theory

13. A ten year old child is taught Algebra by his father who is a math professor, and is placed in a math enrichment class. The difference between the child's math ability in the average class (prior to being tutored) and the math enrichment class is an example of

a. Information Processing

b. Zone of Proximal Development

c. Preoperational

d. Latency

14. Someone who constantly chews gum would be fixed in which of Freud's stages?

a. Genital Stage

b. Oral Stage

c. Anal Stage

d. Phallic Stage

15. Freud's Stage Sub-Theory contained in the larger Psychoanalytical Theory

a. Psycho-social

b. Sociocultural

c. Psycho-sexual

16. This type of study retains the same group of people over a long period and studies changes in their cognition, physical development, or social-emotional development.

a. Longitudinal

b. Cross-sectional

c. Contextual

17. Infants can demonstrate depression.

a. True

b. False

18. Circle two: The following two circumstances can cause a sudden performance change for a child in the classroom:

a. Culture

b. Parent unemployment

c. Poverty level

d. Homelessness

19. The special kind of cell division that occurs with egg and sperm cells is

a. Mitosis

b. Homologous

c. Somatic

d. Meiosis

20. Each reproductive cell (egg or sperm) has this number of chromosomes.

a. 46

b. 23

c. 24

d. 2 (X and Y)

21. When crossing over in mitosis occurs, it guarantees that

a. The gene assortment (other than identical twins) will be unique

b. Even identical twins will have 75% different genes

c. Fraternal twins will not have different genes

22. What determines gender in a child is the 23rd pair of chromosomes, one from the mother and one from the father. The configuration of XX or XY is determined by the

a. mother

b. father

c. either

d. neither

23. A zygote that splits into two identical zygotes that reproduce in one amniotic sac

a. Boy

b. Girl

c. Monozygotic Twins

d. Dizygotic Twins

24. The embryo's life support system after the first week of development

a. trophoblast

b. embryoblast

c. blastocyst

25. At what point in embryo development do the arms and legs begin to form?

a. 14 days

b. 7 weeks

c. 4 weeks

d. 15-20 days

26. The fluid-filled environment that protects the fetus is the

a. Placenta

b. Amniotic sac

c. Umbilical cord d. Mesoderm

27. The baby's Apgar Score can be affected by

a. The baby's sex

b. Birth complications

c. The mother's mental condition

d. hospital nursery care

28. When the baby learns to press a lever on his crib toy to make a certain noise, this is which kind of learning?

a. Classical conditioning

b. Operant Conditioning

c. Shaping

d. Imitative Learning

29. When a baby practices walking with her little handbag on her arm, this is an example of which kind of learning?

a. Classical conditioning

b. Associative Learning

c. Operant conditioning

d. Imitative Learning

30. Infants can see all primary colors at 4 weeks old

a. True

b. False

31. The first object that infants recognize is

a. Their hands

b. Their mother's face

c. Their mobile

32. Which shape gets a 4 month's old attention?

a. Triangle

b. Square

c. Circle

33. Piaget's stage where the children's movement ability and senses are developing is

a. Preoperational

b. Sensorimotor

c. Concrete

d. Operational

34. With Object Permanence, at which stage will the baby commit the "a not b" error?

a. Stage 2

b. Stage 3

c. Stage 4

d. Stage 5

35. Winnicott explained that a transitional object is favored by the child as

a. A substitute for a parent

b. A surrogate playmate

c. A bridge from the infant to the mother during the mother's absence

d. a favorite toy

36. Bowlby would say that the brain response smile when an infant is 2 weeks old is a built-in mechanism to promote

a. Bonding with strangers

b. Just a mechanism

c. Bonding with parents

d. Socialization in general

37. In Ainsworth's Strange Situation study, when the infant ignores his/her mother upon her return into the room, the infant has:

a. Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

b. Anxious-Resistant Attachment

c. Secure Attachment

d. Disorganized Attachment

38. In Ainsworth's Strange Situation study, when the infant greets the mother by ending his/her distress upon her return into the room, the infant has:

a. Anxious-Avoidant Attachment

b. Anxious-Resistant Attachment

c. Secure Attachment

d. Disorganized Attachment

39. Kagan's studies demonstrate that a child's temperament is apparent by 4 months old and usually remains stable throughout life. This leans toward the following model:

a. Nature

b. Nurture

40. This experimenter studies the temperament of infants as young as 4-5 months old and can predict the child's disposition.

a. Winnicott

b. Kagan

c. Seligman

41.Placing a baby on its back to reduce the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome at first caused a developmental delay in infants'

a. Crawling

b. Standing

c Walking

42.This physical milestone is the most evolutionarily exciting for an infant.

a. Walking

b. Standing

c. Sitting

43. An environmental substance that can cause a birth defect if ingested during a critical prenatal period is called a(n)

a. Teratogen

b. Environmental Poser

c. CQS

44. When a woman's eggs are surgically removed and fertilized by sperm in a lab setting, this is called

a. Assisted Reproductive Technology

b. Artificial Insemination

c. In Vitro Fertilization

d. Both a and c

45. The sense most highly developed at birth is

a. touch

b. vision

c. taste

d. hearing

46. One "age of viability" for a fetus is

a. 12 weeks

b. 15 weeks

c. 18 weeks

d. 22 weeks

47. This birth phase has the hardest labor pains lasting approximately 60 seconds each and occurs during which stage?

a. transition: first

b. crowning: second

c. transition: second

48. When an infant is in neonatal care and the mother spends time with the baby skin to skin between her breasts for comfort, this is called

a. ultimate environment

b. bonding

c. kangaroo care

49. A decrease in attention when a baby is shown a stimulus numerous times means that the baby remembers the stimulus. This decrease in attention is called

a. dishabituation

b. habituation

c. classical conditioning

50. In the Little Albert experiment, the white rat was the

a. unconditioned stimulus

b. conditioned stimulus

c. conditioned response

51. When a child takes his first steps, this is categorized as a(n)

a. Adaptation

b. Qualitative Change

c. Quantitative Change

d. Developmental Concept

52. When a child stops crawling and continues to walk, this is categorized as a(n)

a. Adaptation

b. Qualitative Change

c. Quantitative Change

d. Developmental Concept

53. Children crawl between the ages of 6 and 10 months. This is called

a. Normative development

b. Individual development

c. Behavioral Organization

d. Evolution

54. Synapses are

a. Part of the cerebral cortex

b. Spaces between neurons

c. Nerve cells

d. The formations of neurons

55. With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome there can be

a. Mental Retardation

b. Hypersensitivity

c. Hyperactivity

d. All of these

56. Obstetricians advise foods and drugs ingested during pregnancy

a. Stricter than in 1995

b. More lenient than in 1995

57. If an adult finds it difficult to commit in their love relationship, they probably had this kind of attachment relationship with their mother.

a. secure

b. anxious-resistant

c. anxious-avoidant

58. The two researchers with opposing views of language in children are

a. Chomsky/Watson

b. Skinner/Chomsky

c. Skinner/Erikson

59. The psychological community now claims that language is ___________by children.

a. learned

b. acquired

60. An infant's first attempt at communication is

a. cooing

b. crying

c. canonical babbling

d. conversational babbling

61. The word "unlovable" can be broken into 3 syllables: (1) un (2) love and (3) able. These are known as

a. phonemes

b. morphemes

c. syntax

62. Children ___________the social rules of conversation.

a. learn

b. acquire

63. At 3 months old, infants have the ability to discern the sounds of every language in the world.

a. true

b. false

64. "Up!" is an example of a

a. protoword

b. holophrase

c. babbling

65. "You can't have a dog! I have a dog!" This is an example of a child's

a. over-regularization

b. over-extension

c. under-extension

66. Child changes her verb from "haved" to "had" without correction from mom.

a. Chomsky

b. Skinner

67. Child changes her verb from "haved" to "had" when mom hugs her and claps.

a. Chomsky

b. Skinner

68. Child coos and mom coos back smiling.

a. Chomsky

b. Skinner

69. Child coos to show he is content and happy.

a. Chomsky

b. Skinner

70. With this type of crawling, the infant pulls himself forward on his stomach.

a. Scooting

b. Traditional

c. Commando

71. With this type of crawling, the infant slides/hops on her bum.

a. Scooting

b. Traditional

c. Commando

72. The tip of an infant's tongue is sensitive to sweetness to encourage feeding

a. True

b. False

73. Bilingual children's vocabularies are slightly smaller but more sophisticated than monolingual children.

a. True

b. False

74. A neurological Language Acquisition Device innate to all humans

a. Pinker

b. Skinner

c. Chomsky

d. Bohannon

75. When a fetus does not turn head down prior to birth, his position is called

a. lotus

b. transverse

c. breach

76. Children walk up steps alternating feet from the start

a. True

b. False

77. The term for a zygote that begins specialized cell differentiation is

a. fetus

b. embryo c. infant

c. animal-like walk

d. all of these

78. With this type of speech, infants use consonant and vowel sounds with gestures and intonation.

a. cooing

b. canonical babbling

c. conversational babbling

79. Electrical conduction carries messages to the brain via this long branchlike part of a neuron to this awaiting shorter branchlike part of the next neuron.

a. dendrite; axon

b. neurotransmitter; synapse

c. axon; dendrite

80. Social learning Theory emphasizes this role when children learn the behaviors of their society through observation and reward/correction.

a. Fixation

b. Stage

c. Modeling

81. This theorist emphasized adaptation and said that an infant's grasping reflex is innate so that the mother will feel warmth and bond with her baby.

a. Bowlby

b. Freud

c. Vygotsky

d. Erikson

82. This type of study researches different groups of people who share a similar factor over a short period of time.

a. Longitudinal

b. Cross-sectional

c. Contextual

83. The adult who acts needy and anxious in a love relationship most likely had this type of relationship with his/her mother.

a. secure

b. anxious-resistant

c. anxious-avoidant

84. After infants stop breastfeeding, we should always give them whole milk, rather than skim, because they need the fat nutrients for this area of the neuron:

a. myelin sheath

b. dendrite

c. axon terminal buttons

85. This part of the neuron contains the neurochemicals that fire the electrical conduction over the synapse.

a. Myelin sheath

b. dendrite

c. axon terminal buttons

Essay: Analyze the socio-emotional development of a child in The Beginning Years. Include the theories of

(1) Horney,

(2) Winnicott,

(3) Kagan,

(4) Erikson,

(5) Ainsworth.

You should write at least 2 paragraphs for each of the five theorists explaining their theories in detail.

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Dissertation: Child development 1 if researchers want to keep the
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