
Chief objectives of industrial relations

Question 1:

(a) Define the term Industrial Relations (IR). What are the chief objectives of IR? Name six issues (comprising wider social issues and corporate issues) in IR.

(b) Write notes on unitarist and pluralist perspectives in IR.

(c) List all the functional requirements of the IR.

(d) Explain the following terms which are related to industrial democracy: - Job enrichment, semi-autonomous work groups, joint consultation, co-determination, self-management, ringi, wa and quality circles.

Question 2:

(a) For Mauritius to become a highly competitive nation by 2015, what are the anticipation of the Mauritius Employers’ Federation concerning the role and actions of -

(i) Government;

(ii) Employers; and

(iii) Employees.

(b) “Workers’ participation is necessary to create an environment of openness and to manage workplace changes.” What does the code of practice of Employment Relations Act 2008 provide for workers’ participation in decision-making and their financial participation?

Question 3:

With regard to the role played by State in Industrial Relations, write account on: -

(i) The degree of State intervention; .

(ii) Forms of state intervention (namely, pro-capital interventionism, corporatism, pro labour interventionism); and

(iii) Any three techniques of State intervention.

Question 4:

A newly appointed trade union negotiator who is about to negotiate terms and conditions of employment for members of trade union approaches you for advice on: the preparation for negotiation in connection with ‘gathering information’, ‘deciding what you want’ and ‘choosing a team leader’, What recommendation would you give to the negotiator about these three points?

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Reference No:- TGS06463

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