
Chicago based issue concerning race-ethnicity-crime

Topic: Chicago based “Issue” concerning race, ethnicity, and crime.



• 6 – 8  pages
• APA format (NO abstract)
• Typed and double spaced
• Times New Roman ONLY
• 12 point font (Remember, I know all the tricks ? )
• Standard margins (Remember, I know all the tricks ? )
• Minimum of 5  scholarly   sources ( two scholarly sources must be class assigned readings and the remaining three are up to you).

ASSIGNMENT: Throughout the semester we have taken a critical perspective on a variety of to pics related to race, ethnicity and crime. From our discussions several “issues” have emerged. Depending on your perspective some of these “issues” might be more pressing than others. In this paper you get to choose a Chicago based “issue” that is important to you. Use the following outline to guide your paper  (bulleted points are suggested writing routes…NOT required ones) :

1. Introduction  (this is where you set your entire paper up… give me a glimpse of it)

• Brief introduction of issue, the way in which it is an issue  in Chicago, and why you   believe it to be an issue

• Briefly describe what you will be discussing in your paper (i.e.: historica l perspective, laws, current climate, etc. ).

2. Historical Perspective on the Issue

• Educate me on the history of this issue

o Was it first a national issue?
o When did it become an issue in Chicago?
o What social constructions are involved with this issue?

3. Laws Relevant to this Issue

• What laws are relevant to this issue
• When were these laws put into place and why?

4. Current Climate of this Issue in Chicago

• What is happening in Chicago surround this issue?
• What are organizations doing in response/not doing in response?
• What about the political climate?

5. Your Proposed Suggestion on How to Begin to Address this Issue

• What do you think would begin to address this issue?
• What laws would need to change?
• Resources?

6. Conclusion

• Recap of your issue, why its an issue in Chicago, current climate in Chicago and how you believe it should be addressed

7. Reference Page

• Two class assigned scholarly readings
• Three outside scholarly sources

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Business Law and Ethics: Chicago based issue concerning race-ethnicity-crime
Reference No:- TGS01436335

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