The stock solutions in Lab 3 were made as follows:
Color Name Chemical formula mass of dye volume of solution
FD&C Blue 1 Erioglaucine C37H34N2Na2O9S3 0.06343 g 1.000 L
FD&C Yellow 5 Tartrazine C16H9N4Na3O9S2 0.1860 g 1.000 L
For each of the dyes you will carry out the following dilution scheme:
Dilution #1 = 5 mL of stock + 45 mL water
Dilution #2 = 30 mL of #1 + 20 mL water
Dilution #3 = 35 mL of #2 + 15 mL water
Dilution #4 = 30 mL of #3 + 20 mL water
What's the concentration (M) for the Stock Solution, Dilution 1, 2, 3 and 4?