chemical and heat burnchemical born and heat burn

Chemical and Heat Burn

Chemical born and Heat burn injuries have currently started receiving greater attention. The reason for this is perhaps the degree of discomfort and period of healing that may be longer though in several cases the injury will not cause any type of permanent disability. Manufacturing industries generally record greater incidence of chemical bums (almost 30% of all accidents).

Service, trade and construction industries are as well prone to chemical bums. Acids, alkalis, cleaning compounds, degreasers, soaps, detergents, calcium hydroxide (used in cement and plaster), potassium hydroxide (in drain cleaning), sulfuric acid (batteries) are general chemicals that cause bums. Almost 45 percent of bum accidents occur during cleaning of tools and equipment. Even though clear instructions for use of such chemicals are normally available (as provided on containers and repeated by supervisors) yet carelessness in following them and as well in using protective equipment causes the accidents. Greater supervision and repeated instructions are necessary to avoid chemical bums. Bum injuries are most general in manufacturing industries comprising almost 40% of all injuries. The burn injuries are caused through flame, inhalation of smoke, molten metal, asphalt, boiling water and steam.

Welding and metal cutting along with arc or flame and handling of tar or asphalt are most common industrial activities which cause bum injury. The reasons for bum injury are commonly neglect on part of employers and employees not following the instructions and procedure of using protective equipment. The maintenance and upkeep of equipment for manufacture and protection all the time play significant roles in avoiding injuries.

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Biology: chemical and heat burnchemical born and heat burn
Reference No:- TGS0182197

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