
Checking for commas and errors


Checking for Commas and Errors

Check for comma errors:

1. Reading is a hobby of mine.
2. Before going to bed Betty always reviews her Spanish vocabulary.
3. Leaning back too far on the stool Larry hit the floor with a bang.
4. Around the clock nurses watch the patients in Intensive Care.
5. "By the way the door is locked, so instead of going through the front door you'll have to go around to the back."
6. "To work out your problems you should see a shrink."
7. Too much attention can be bad for a child.
8. To cheat is to rob oneself of a learning experience.
9. With 45 credit hours behind him Matt must now take the Regents' Test.
10. On top of the refrigerator is the coffee pot.


1. The guy around the corner sells peaches out of his garage.
2. Bill the guy around the corner sells peaches out of his garage.
3. Doctors who treat cancer patients are called oncologists.
4. The car parked next to mine has had its tires slashed.
5. Students should take their time writing essays making sure to include specific details in the body paragraphs.
6. Maria Lopez a well-respected member of her community is running for office.
7. Mai swerved around the road debris keeping her eyes closed the whole time.
8. Looking out the rearview window Elizabeth doesn't see the car slamming on its brakes in front of her.
9. The mail carrier saunters down the sidewalk stopping at homes along the way.
10. Successful students who tend to study more anyway are those who find learning meaningful.

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English: Checking for commas and errors
Reference No:- TGS01924411

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