
Check the given essay for grammer and improve it - eugene

Check the given essay for grammer and improve it.

Are you Self-centered, Selfish or arrogant? Or are you a productive member of society? Are you good or evil? Perhaps there is not an answer to that question. Just think about it: every action, every thought, everything that you have ever said was influenced by the society, your culture, your knowledge, and/or your environment. This means that we are just machines that react with the current situations:" Human behaviour is largely constrained by the rules that govern particular situations and environments. We are constantly obliged to behave in a particular way, or to avoid certain behaviours. These rules may be formal regulations such as laws, or they may be informal rules of 'social etiquette', which are not written down but are implicit within the situation itself." Eugene Onegin, the main character in the classic Russian's novel Eugene Onegin by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin; the founder of modern Russian literature, is consider to be a psychopath; due to the lack of human's emotions and being self-centered. However, I believe that Eugene Onegin was created by the previous conditions in his life; the lack of moral and emotional values in his childhood. Thus, we are either good or evil; we are just machines that react to the conditions we experience in our lives.

Eugene Onegin is a creature of society. Eugene is admired for his social graces, despite having no real depth to his education: "Onegin was assessed by many (critical judges, strict as any) as well-read, though of pedant cast. Unforced, as conversation passed, he had the talent of saluting felicitously every theme, of listening like a judge-supreme while serious topics were disputing, or, with an epigram-surprise, of kindling smiles in ladies' eyes." Eugene Onegin didn't have a real education. Why should he? "he could express himself and write, danced the mazurka lightly, and bowed unconstrainedly- what would you more? The World decided he was clever and very nice." The Society has decided that he was the perfect image of nobility, education was not needed to be a noble. Onegin had all the qualities that he needed; Onegin was everything, he was support to be, everything the society wanted he to be. This indicated that all the qualities that Onegin develop were to pleases the society. Thus, Onegin was just a creature that was created by society. However, a creature of society doesn't always lack of human's emotions and interest in other human beings.

Then, what make Onegin had a psychopath like personality? The answer lies in his childhood. Onegin had an unnatural childhood, "Having served excellently, nobly, his father live by means of debts: gave three balls yearly and squandered everything at last. Fate guarded Eugene; at first, Madame looked after him; later, Monsieur replaced her. The child was boisterous but nice Monsieur I'Abbe, a poor wretch of a Frenchman, not to wear the infant, would teach him everything in play, bothered him not with stern moralization, scolded him slightly for his pranks, and to the Letnity Sad took for walks". In a normal case, the parents will teach the infant moral values.

However, Onegin never learned any moral values. Onegin was pure as a child, "the child was boisterous but nice", but with no moral values and not parents to check his action; Onegin became an elegant and clever young man without any real feeling, emotion or moral values. Onegin modify his personalities based in this earliest habits: "Habits can become established quite early in life and, as described earlier, personality characteristics may have a large part to play in determining the nature of these habits. However, certain elements of personality change as we get older, especially those elements that determine our drives and urges. Once a habit is established it will determine our behaviour, even though the initial motivations for that behaviour may no longer exist.

The fact that the behaviour is 'automatic' means that even if we are breaking rules, we can largely ignore those transgressions because we are no longer 'in control' of those behaviours" Eugene, while seen as a perfect man in high society, cannot see anything meaningful in life because he develops habits that enable him to disconnected with other human being. He falls into depression because he is disconnected from reality; the only world he knows is the unnatural world of society and social graces. He cannot connect with the real world or the realities of the human condition. However, Onegin changes during the novel. In the end of the novel, Onegin shows feeling (love) to Tatyana "Tanya" Larin. Then, it may be possible that we can changes who we are; but how can one changes his behavior, habits or personality?

When Eugene Onegin's uncle dies. Onegin goes to the countryside to get his part of the Heritage. In the countryside he meets Tatyana "Tanya" Larin, the daughter of a provincial landowner. She has a pure and honest heart. Tatyana falls in love with Onegin and she writes a love letter to Onegin. When, Onegin gets her love letter he tries to throw it into the fire but he couldn't. When, Tatyana and Onegin meet, he tries to gives the letter back to Tatyana but she said that the letter was his. Onegin explains that he was not able to love. Onegin's Vision of where the declaration of love leads to adultery: "a declaration, a kiss, a wedding, family, obligation, boredom and adultery." (Base on "Onegin: the film (1999)") Onegin used to draw a horrible view of life in which people were monsters. However, after he meets Tatyana he starts to draw more beautifully and closer to reality; He starts to changes his point of view:" People ignore vital information in the environment which, if taken into consideration, could cause them to question their habitual responses.

Given a strong enough argument in favour of change, reminders in the environment and perhaps some form of additional incentive, people's inappropriate habits can be changed, and more appropriate behaviours take their place.", Thanks to the love that Tatyana shows him, Onegin starts to changes his behavior. Before, He was caught up in passion and believes that it was "love", Now that Tatyana have shown him real love; he starts to view life in a different way. Onegin and Tatyana didn't see each other for several years due to a duel in which Vladimir Lensky dies (closer friends of Onegin). When, they meet again Onegin was a different person.

Several years later Onegin and Tatyana meet again in a ball, "Can it be she? But really...No... Tell me, Prince, you don't know who is it there in the framboise beret talking with the Spanish ambassador? The prince looks at Onegin: Aha! Indeed, long have you not been in the monde. Wait, I'll present you. But who is she? My wife." At that moment on the ball, when he saw Tatyana, he realized that he was in love with her. However, it was too later, she was married. But, Onegin tried, he wrote a letter of love to her; she didn't response. But he didn't give up, he decided to meet with her: "If it were only in my power I'd have preferred to an offensive passion, and to these letters and tears. For my infantine dreams you had a least some pity then, at least consideration for my age.

But now! . . . What to my feet has brought you? What a little thing! How, with your heart and mind, be the slave of a trivial feeling?" Onegin shows his emotion and feeling for the first time in his life. This means that Onegin has changes in the several years that he was absented because of the affection that Tatyana showed him in the past. Onegin has changes his "inappropriate habits can be changed, and more appropriate behaviours take their place". Thus, Onegin develops emotions and feeling to other humans beings. Then, It's possible to changes but the changes still just a reaction to the environment. Onegin just react to the ideas of Vladimir Lensky about love and to the feeling of Tatyana. This means that Onegin develops feeling just as a reaction to his environment.

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