
Check the given blog post - is it free of grammar and

Check the given blog post.
Is it free of grammar and punctuation problems?

Blog post:

I know this a touchy subject for many Christians out in the world when it comes to eternal security. I was informed that as a little girl that once you accept Jesus Christ as savior then a person will always have a place in Heaven. " A life that is eternal by definition cannot come to an end".

I hold to the belief that when a person sins if they are saved God will forgive them for their transgressions. Romans 3:23-24 show that belief to be true, " all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." As it is stated in the verse everyone sins, no one can live a sinless life and we cannot obtain salvation on our own. Even if one turns away from God, I believe that God would not retract the gift which has been given upon initial conversion. God would not turn His back on someone for committing sin. I say this because Israel repeatedly turned their back on God, but he would always call the Israelites His chosen people.

Gregory Boyd and Paul Eddy use the fact that God never turned His back on Israel to show He would not turn his back on His children. They state in Across the Spectrum, that Isaiah 45:17 and Jeremiah 32:40 are "significant not only because the Lord states that his covenant with his people is to be everlasting...".

Erwin Lutzer states that eternal security "those redeemed by the blood of Christ will assuredly be saved". The doctrine of assurance is defined as "to believe the elect will be saved is one thing; to know that one is a member of that company is another." Both doctrines agree on the fact that believers are saved. The truth is ever person will sin, no matter whether they are saved or not we are all human and have our faults, but God loves and will save those looking for salvation.

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