Check out your own lesson plan for cultural bias

Assignment task:

Now you need to check out your own lesson plan for cultural bias.  You will be submitting this evaluation for your next assignment.

Select one of your daily lesson plans and evaluate it for cultural bias.  What areas would need additional (if any) modifications for your ELL students and/or the rest of your class? Copy the lesson plan to your own file and make the modifications or additions you think would benefit your students. Describe the changes (highlight each change) you would make in each section of the plan and indicate why they were made.  If you did not see a need to change or add, explain why each section of the plan meets the needs of your students.

Make a criterion referenced test for your lesson plan.  If you already had a test, evaluate it for language/cultural bias. Include directions for the students and any modifications you would want to make for your ELL students. Highlight changes and provide a rationale for each.  Save to a file on your computer. Your submitted document should contain both the revised lesson plan and the criterion referenced test.

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Other Subject: Check out your own lesson plan for cultural bias
Reference No:- TGS03385085

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