Process Control - Flow Control Station on a Water Pipeline
A pump and piping network transfers water from an in-ground sump to a storage pond located on a nearby hill (Figure 1). Please design a flow control station just downstream of the pump. In particular, specify the details of orifice plate FO-100 and flow control valve FCV-100.

Figure 1
Design the orifice and flow control valve by following these steps.
1) Establish the orifice diameter at the target flow rate.
2) Input your diameter in the FO block.
3) Compute and plot the system curve, including the pressure drop across the orifice but without the control valve, over a range of flows slightly broader than the control range.
4) Compute the pump curve
5) Design the control valve using the heuristics presented in class. Give the results of your design by filling in the blocks highlighted in yellow on the IEC 60534-7 control valve spec sheet.
6) Enter your values for valve open percentage, valve pressure drop, and valve mass flow rate at the design flow rate
How does your manually calculated value of Cv at 100% open compare to the value given by HYSYS?
7) Using the HYSYS-generated value of Cv, compute the system curve with the control valve using the same procedure as you employed in step 3). Co-plot this system curve with the previous system curve and the pump curve. Confirm that the system curve with the control valve intersects the pump curve at the design flow rate.
Attachment:- Flow Control Station on a Water Pipeline.pdf