
Chcprp003 reflect on and improve own professional practice

Reflect on and improve own professional practice Assignment

Task 1 -

1. Using a copy of your job description, reflect upon your performance of each function.

2. Consult and share two-way, open and evaluative feedback with either a peer or your supervisor to analyse your performance - What do you do well?  What can you improve upon? 

3. Actively seek feedback from clients, organisations or other relevant sources.

4. Reflect upon your work and role under the following categories.  

1. Personal goal setting

2. Measuring performance

3. Time management 

4. Personal behaviours

5. Self awareness

6. Personality traits 

7. Personal values

8. Personal beliefs

9. Legal and ethical requirements

5. Establish a personal plan to develop the areas where you feel you will require further improvements.  The plan will need to include 

a. Goals

b. Timeframes 

c. Ways of measuring progress

d. Support networks internal and external

e. Need for care of self with regard to additional support

6. Research where you can access and review information on current and  emerging industry developments.

7. Where will you access this personal development training? 

a. With whom will you discuss this?

b. What does this research into personal training inform you about current trends in your job role?

8. You have selected training.  What type of learner are you?  How will the training that you have decided to undertake meet your needs?  Would this training meet everyone's needs?

Assessment 1 - Professional Development Opportunities

Reflection is a deeper form of learning that allows us to retain every aspect of any experience, be it personal or professional--why something took place, what the impact was, whether it should happen again--as opposed to just remembering that it happened. It is about tapping into every aspect of the experience, clarifying our thinking, and honing in on what really matters to us.

1. Read the above statement about the importance of reflection. Now, explain how this knowledge can assist you in looking for professional development opportunities. Write 100 words on each of the following opportunities:

a. Industry networking

b. Professional associations

c. Training requirements and options

d. Informal ways of learning and development

e. Formal ways of learning and development 

Assessment 2 - Reflection Models and Processes

Research and discuss two (2) models of reflection include the processes each model discusses. (approx. 500 words)

Scenario - Legal and Ethical considerations for reviewing and improving practice Josef has been undertaking a self-reflective process as part of his Annual Review. You have been asked to work with him during this process.  During the discussions, Josef discussed the following:

Driving clients - He has been collecting clients with their children and taking them to meetings as required.  When questioned  about how they managed the  car seat installation.  He said that the children were older (around 5 years of age) so did not need these.

Talking to clients and stakeholders- discussion around what can be said, and to whom.  Josef was aware of what can be said to people and not being able to give personal information to others.  He has been taking to family members about the current status of the individual (not in job role)

Discussion around the job description.  Has been doing elements of supervisor's role to assist and finds this exciting but has been giving other staff tasks to undertake.  This is a higher level of work. 

 Using this scenario, discuss the following

  • Duty of care
  • Rights and responsibilities of workers and employers
  • Work role boundaries - responsibilities and limitations
  • Code of practice

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Dissertation: Chcprp003 reflect on and improve own professional practice
Reference No:- TGS02185117

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