
Chcmhs001 work with people with mental health issues


Task - Performance Evidence

You must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.

This task requires you to work with three (3) people with mental health issues. Your performance will require you to undertake the following:

1. Establish respectful relationships with people with mental health issues

a. Communicate in a manner that develops and maintains respect, hope, trust and self-direction

b. Work in a way that reflects and priorities the person's right to self-define and direct their own recovery

c. Recognise and respect the individual's social, cultural and spiritual differences

d. Support the individual to understand and exercise their rights

e. Maintain confidentiality and respect 

2. Determine the needs of people with mental health issues

a. Gather and interpret information about the person's needs from individual and agreed sources 

b. Identify and discuss with the person services and strategies that support empowerment and recovery

c. Support the person to express their own identity and preferences and avoid imposing own values and attitudes 

d. Identify duty of care and dignity of risk considerations in collaboration with the individual

3. Work with people with mental health issues to meet aspirations and needs

a. Provide support that facilitates progress towards the individual's own goals in collaboration with individual and care network

b. Work in ways that upholds the person's rights

c. Adapt service delivery and procedures to meet the person's specific needs and requirements 

d. Respond promptly and in a supportive manner when person is experiencing distress or crisis

e. Work with role, knowledge and abilities and refer as indicated by the persons needs

Write a report on each individual detailing how you met each one of the above points.

Assessment 1 - Knowledge of mental health sector

1. Below are three (3) myths about mental illness.  Discuss and state the facts of each myth 

a. Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness

b. People with a mental illness never get better

c. People with a mental illness can "pull themselves out of it".

2. Explain each of the following terms:

a. Acute Mental Illness 

b. Case Management 

c. Delusions 

d. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 

e. Personality Disorder

3. How would you respond to a client who is demonstrating changes in mental health and mental distress?  How do you report this?

4. Discuss the impact of mental illness and /or psychiatric disability on the following:

a. Self-esteem

b. Motivation

c. Daily living skills

d. Relationships 

5. What is the impact of stigma and discrimination on the client? 

6. Write a short reflection on the impact of your own attitudes on working with people with mental health issue.  

Assessment 2 - Different contexts of mental health

In 1992, Australia made a commitment to uphold the United Nations Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and the improvement of Mental Health Care.

Your task is to research and describe in detail the six most important principles that appeal to you. 

1. Be sure to state why they are of importance to you.

2. Discuss your view on how these have /or have not influenced changing societal attitudes about mental health 

3. Discuss the influence of the United Nations Principles on government policies and initiatives?

Assessment 2b -

Research the current economic situation as it relates to and affects mental health sector. 

1. Write a report on what you have discovered.

2. Explain how the information that you have gathered impacts on mental health.

Assessment 3 -

Match the phrase in column1 to definitions in column 2.  Write the letter next to the number e.g. B in the column next to 6 if you think this is correct. 




Codes of practice


Australian law must ensure healthy and safe workplaces and a compensation and rehabilitation system which ensures that no worker is disadvantaged should they be injured at work




Legislative requirement imposed on selected classes of people to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to government authorities


Dignity of risk


Set of principles and long-term goals that form the basis of making rules and guidelines, and to give overall direction to planning and development of the organisation


Duty of care


Effective and appropriate management of an organisation's records from their creation through to their eventual disposal


Human rights


The right to self-governance for people with mental illness


Informed consent


Industry standards code of conduct




Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance




Occurs when a child or youth tells you or lets you know in some other way that she or he has been; or is being abused. Can be direct, indirect, or a third-party.




Rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status to which all equally entitled. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.




Relates to the protection of an individual's personal information. Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.


Policy frameworks


Protection of personal information or a means keeping a client's information between you and the client, and not telling others including co-workers, friends, family, etc.


Records management


Requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence


Work health and safety


Consent of a patient or other recipient of services based on the principles of autonomy and privacy; competence to understand and to decide, voluntary decision making, disclosure of material information, recommendation of a plan, comprehension of terms

Assessment 4 - Legislation and mental illness

Your client has a mental illness.  

1. What are the rights and responsibilities of workers, clients and their care network?

2. List relevant legislation with regard to mental illness.  What are you legal responsibilities with regard to mental illness?

Research mental health legislation

1. Write down the name of the legislation 

2. How does this legislation impact on the role of the worker?

3. As a worker, what are the consequences of a breach of the legislation?

Assessment 5 - Values and Principles of the mental health sector

This assessment requires you to demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of the values and principles that underline the mental health sector.  You need to write a report using the following headings:

1. Recovery

2. Recovery-oriented practice

3. Health promotion and prevention

4. Holistic approach

5. Empowerment

6. Disempowerment

7. Access and equity

8. Early intervention

9. Rights 

10. Social justice and inclusion 

11. Citizenship

Case Study:

You work for a non-government organisation called, Safe Harbour. It is an organisation that provides support to all age groups who have recently been discharged from a mental health residential recovery centre. Part of your role as a mental health support worker is to arrange suitable activities for your clients and to support their engagement in the local community. Also, you try to encourage the client to keep active, maintain their medication and book and keep appointments with their doctor (GP), specialist (Psychiatrist) and the like. You are attending your first home visit to Han who is a Vietnamese lady in her early 30's with limited English. She has some learning difficulties as well as bi-polar. Han has been living with her elderly mother for most of her life except for two years when she was living in a very abusive relationship. Her mother has been feeling exhausted from the daily care she has been giving to her daughter. The time Han had residential recovery was good for the mother, but now that Han has been back in the home for two weeks the mother is beginning to feel angry and frustrated again due to Han not following discharge instructions.

a) What would be your goals as the support worker?

b) What strategies could you employ to help the mother? Include support networks, privacy and confidentiality.

c) What model would you use?  Consider strength-based approach so client can develop own skills.

d) What do you do, what strategies would you employ to keep Han focused on her goals?

e) Write up relevant case notes.  What documentation would you have to complete so that Han received the correct care?  

f) What is the organisation's duty of care in regard to Han?  

g) How often and how will you review Han?  What will you review?

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Dissertation: Chcmhs001 work with people with mental health issues
Reference No:- TGS02185110

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