
Chcdis007 facilitate the empowerment of people with


Performance Evidence Task 

Students must show evidence of the ability to complete and manage tasks plus manage contingencies in the context of the job role. Performance Evidence is linked to this requirement:

Facilitated access to a wide variety of choices that will assist 2 people with disability to reach personal goals using:

  • Oral communication skills to maintain a positive and respectful relationship with the individual
  • Appropriate non-verbal communication strategies

1. Demonstrate commitment to empowerment for people with disability

1.1 Identify changes in the legal, political and social frameworks within which the work is undertaken

1.2 Identify ways society can affect the level of impairment experienced by a person with disability

1.3 Reflect on personal values and attitudes regarding disability and acknowledge their potential impact when working in disability contexts

1.4 Develop and adjust own approaches to facilitate empowerment

2. Foster human rights

2.1 Assist the person with disability to understand their rights

2.2 Deliver services that ensure the rights and needs of the person are upheld in the context of person-centeredness

2.3 Ensure the cultural needs of the person are identified, accepted and upheld

2.4 Identify breaches of human rights and respond and report according to organisation procedures

2.5 Identify indications of possible abuse and/or neglect and report according to organisation procedure 

3. Facilitate choice and self-determination

3.1 Using a person-centred approach work in a manner that acknowledges the person with disability as their own expert

3.2 Facilitate person-centred options for action on relevant issues and discuss with the person and/or family and/or carer and/or relevant other

3.3 Provide assistance to the person with disability to facilitate communication of their personal goals

3.4 Provide person-centred support in a manner that encourages and empowers the person with disability to make their own choices

3.5 Assist with strategies to ensure that the person is comfortable with any decisions that are being made on their behalf

3.6 Assist with accessing advocacy services and other complaint mechanisms as required

Assessment 1 -

1. Give a brief overview of the history of disability in Australia ensure that you include recent developments.

2. Discuss why the social model of services is preferred over the medical model of service.

3. Discuss institutionalised care versus person-centred care.

4. What is self-directed care?

Assessment 2 -

1.  Write a short reflection on your attitudes toward people with disability. 

2. How can workers attitude to disability impact on the client?

3. You are working with a client who has an intellectual impairment.  You notice that they are spending their money on buying items for a friend.  This is the second week working with this client.  Would you seek assistance from a more experienced staff member in this scenario? Discuss how and when would you seek assistance.

Assessment 3 -

1. What is the difference between intellectual disability and developmental disability?

2. What is the difference between an acquired brain injury (ABI) and a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

3. When working with someone with an ABI, discuss the main issues that may affect your work and the person.

4. Select one example of a neurological impairment; describe this impairment.  Discuss how you as a disability support worker may best work with that person.

5. Some people say people with autism view and interact with the world differently. How is this so and how can you when supporting someone with autism strive to connect with this?

6. Select two clients that you work with that have different diagnosis e.g. intellectual disability and ABI. Describe how their disability impacts on their functioning and what considerations you would need to take when these clients begin to age?

7. Although it is important to have general knowledge relating to disabilities and diagnosis what factors will also influence the support required by individuals?

8. List two strategies that you would need to be aware of when working with a person with the following:



Speech / language disability 

Cognitive disability 

Uses wheelchair 

Assessment 4 - Legal and ethical considerations

Match the phrase in column 1 to definitions in column 2.  Write the letter next to the number e.g. B in the column next to 6 if you think this is correct. 




Scope of Practice


Protection of personal information or a means of keeping a client's information between you and the client, and not telling others including co-workers, friends, family, etc.




legislative requirement imposed on selected classes of people to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to government authorities


Dignity of risk


Requirement that a person act towards others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence.


Duty of care


Every person is given the authority to make decisions and the right to make their own choices about their health and care even if it endanger the person's health.


Human rights


The range of responsibility, practice guidelines that determine the boundaries, the extent and limits that a support worker may perform


Mandatory Reporting


Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favour of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and

religious intolerance




Occurs when a child or youth tells you or lets you know in some other way that she or he has been, or is being abused. Disclosure can be direct, indirect, or a third-party disclosure. You need to report all disclosures of abuse, no matter where or when they happened




Rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.




Relates to the protection of an individual's personal information. Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.

Assessment 5 - Principles of practices of working with people with disability 

Match the phrase in column 1 to definitions in column 2.  Write the letter next to the number e.g. B in the column next to 6 if you think this is correct. 






involves listening, thinking together, coaching, sharing ideas, and seeking feedback. This process is ongoing to make sure each person is supported towards their personal goals, even as they evolve and change


Rights-based approach


listener gives feedback about what they hear to the speaker, through re-stating or paraphrasing what they have heard in their own words, to confirm what they have heard and to confirm the understanding of both parties.


Person-centred practices


emphasise the centrality of power relations, and the core principles of participation, accountability and non-discrimination. draw attention to the responsibility of duty-bearers to uphold human rights, and seek to support rights-holders to claim their rights




people with disabilities speaking up for themselves. It means that although a person with a disability may call upon the support of others, the individual is entitled to be in control of their own resources and how they are directed. It is about having the right to make life decisions without undue influence or control by others.




promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity


Active listening


Looks at what the individual can do and builds upon this to increase knowledge and skills


Social justice


having a say in the decisions that affect your life


Strengths-based approach


enables and empowers people with intellectual disabilities to participate in all aspects of their lives. This evidence-based approach is particularly effective for working with people with more severe disabilities, and is of growing interest to those responsible for providing support and services

Assessment 6 -

1. As a disability worker, how can you access and use advocacy systems?

2. Discuss how you would assist a client in making a complaint.

3. List two (2) indicators of abuse when working with people with disability.





Scenario 1 - Marianne has cerebral palsy and has difficulty with speech and communication.  She wishes to gain some work.  How could you assist her in exercising rights?  What supports could you encourage?  Look at the use of laptops and tablets in your response.  

What strategies could you implement to assist Mr W from being at risk of falling?

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Dissertation: Chcdis007 facilitate the empowerment of people with
Reference No:- TGS02184995

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