
Chccom005 communicate and work in health or community


1. Why is it important for pathology collector to use verbal and non-verbal communication?

2. Why is it important for pathology collector to communicate information in a manner that is clear and easily understood?

3. Pathology Collectors should confirm that lindersrands the message they are communicating. Why?

4. Why is it important for you to listen to requests clearly and respond appropriately?

5. Why should exchange information: to Pathology Collectors
a. In a timely manner?
b. Within confidentiality procedures?

6. Explain why pathology collector should listen to, clarify and agree on timeframes for carrying out instructions in the workplace with colleagues. (Provide example)

7. Identify 3 other services/ organisations that a Pathology organisation will have open lines of communication with?

8. Why is it important for pathology collectors to use industry terminology correctly in verbal, written and digital communications?

9. In the following table is a list of terminology commonly used in pathology sector. Write a sentence showing the correct meaning of each term:

10. Why must pathology collector should follow communication protocols (e.g. guidelines, policies, procedures) that apply to interactions with different people and different lines of authority?

a. Give three (3) examples of the ear!y of potentially complicated or difficult communication situations?

b. Why should pathology collector report these early signs of potentially complicated or difficult communication situations?

12. List three (3) constraints to effective communication. Give strategies or techniques to resolve this constraint and promote effective communication.

13. Give three (3) examples of communication skills which may be used by a pathology collector to avoid, defuse or resolve conflict situations.


a. Give one (1) example of a legal responsibility with which a pathology collector must comply.
b. Give one (1) example of an ethical responsibility with which a pathology collector must comply.
c. If a Pathology collector encounters difficulties in complying with their legal or ethical responsibilities, why should they discuss these difficulties with their supervisor?


a. Explain why it is important for pathology collector to refer any breach or non-adherence to standard procedures, or an adverse event, to appropriate people.
b. Who are the 'appropriate people' a pathology collector should report a breach or nonadherence to standard procedures or an adverse event to? Give three (3) examples.

a. Why should a pathology collector refer issues impacting on others' rights and responsibilities?

17. Explain why a Pathology collector should refer unresolved conflict situations to their supervisor.

a. Give three (3) examples of techniques a pathology collector can use to complete documentation according to their legal requirements and organisation procedures?
b. Why is it important that pathology collectors complete documentation according to their legal requirements and organisation procedures?

19. Why should a Pathology collector should read vrorkplace policy and procedures of their role?

20. How can pathology collectors complete written and electronic documents to organisation standards? Give one (I) example.

21. Give three (3) examples of communication policies and procedures for using digital media in the pathology sector.

22. Why should Pathology collector's use clear, accurate and objective language when documenting events?

23. How can a Pathology Collector can contribute to continuous improvement in work practices?

24. Promote and model changes to improved work practices and procedures in accordance with organisation requirements means:
a. Being a good role model for colleagues
b. Representing the organisation in a positive manner
c. Accepting constructive change in the workplace
d. All of the above

25. How can you initiate action to improve feedback on skills and knowledge development?

26. Consulting with manager regarding options for accessing skill development opportunities and initiate action can happen
a. During an annual assessment
b. Anytime when the need arises
c. When the collector wants to initiate personal development (PD)
d. All of the above

27. Briefly define and explain the following legal and ethical considerations relating to communication:

Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure of Communication
Discriminative communication
Duty of care
Communication of Mandatory reporting
Communicating Informed consent
Communicating work role boundaries (responsibilities and limitations)

28. Identify a source of information and the application of legal and ethical aspects of pathology sector.

29. What is 'conflict of interest'?

30. What is 'ethical decision making'?

31. Briefly define and explain the following principles of effective communication:

32. Briefly explain how the following may influence communication:

33. List two(2) potential constraints to effective communication in health and community services contexts

34. List five (5) five terminologies used primarily in your role as a Pathology collection.

35. Briefly explain the importance of the following k rotation to verbal communication
a. Grammar.
b. Speed.
c. Pronunciation.

36.Give an example of each of the following
When you might recognize non-verbal communication in a pathology collection environment
how to use non-verbal communication in a pathology collection environment

37. Briefly explain the Structure, function and interrelationships between different parts of the health and community service system in the table attached

38. Give two examples each for the following from the Organization structure and different models to support optimum client service: ( 2 examples are given)

Scenario 2

A 52 year old patient, presents with chest pain and shortness of breath to his doctor at I O:OOam. His doctor requests for an urgent ECG and Cardiac Enzymes test (Results to be delivered by midday) but your waiting room is inundated with patients waiting for blood tests such as GTT's and CHOUHDULDUTRIG screenings. Your supervisor requests the patient suffering from chest pain be prioritised first. You foresee all of the other patients complaining about this. You and your colleague (Supervisor) need to collaborate and devise a plan to work through all the patients

1. How can you ensure you listen to requests, clarify the meaning and respond appropriately?

2. How can the Pathology Collector maintain the following: Maintain confidentiality

3. How can we diffuse the possibility of conflict in this s;tua'j-,:):1?

4. Who can you refer unresolved conflict to?

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Dissertation: Chccom005 communicate and work in health or community
Reference No:- TGS02898393

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