
charging desk -circulation area in library

Charging Desk -Circulation Area in library building

This is the key functional area of the library and a great deal of  thought should be given to its location, size and shape. The counter is so placed that the persons manning the counter can keep watch on the readers and check unauthorised material getting in or out. Normally the counter is placed at the main entrance, and adequate space is kept for easy entry and exit.It is so designed, that the most important activities like issue and return of books are conducted smoothly and unhindered. The size of the counter will depend on the number of readers to be served at one time. Adequate space should be provided in the counter to shelve books returned as well as and to store all essential records, including the charging trays. A property counter or a pigeon hole rack is generally placed near the issue counter, where the visitors or readers can leave their personal belongings before going inside the library. Provision is made near the counter for notice boards, display  of latest book jackets, or other exhibits.  

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Management Theories: charging desk -circulation area in library
Reference No:- TGS0177049

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