1. Charan, Drotter, and Noel assert that the challenge for first time managers is to be able to...
a. Move from doing the work to getting work done by others
b. Plan work, fill jobs, assign work, motivate, coach and measure others
c. Reallocate their time
d. Spend whatever time they need on “old work” since they are best at getting it done
e. All but D
2. According to Charan, Drotter, and Noel, each leadership turn/passage requires:
a. More time doing functional skills
b. A major change in skills
c. New time frames that determine how one works
d. New ways to review employee performance
e. A change in work values, what one views as important
f. All but a and d
3. Boyatzis, McGee, and Goleman believe that if you feel stuck in your career you should:
a. Keep working and the answer will come to you
b. Take a training program or get a new degree
c. Form a “gripe” group with similarly discontented people
d. Build in reflection times
e. Take a sabbatical
f. A and C
g. B, D, and E