Characterize the product space for mobile phone

Motorola's Iridium, a go-anywhere mobile phone system that beamed signals down from 66 satellites, was called "the eighth wonder of the world" by Motorola CEO Chris Galvin. However, at $1,500 for a handset the size of a brick, consumers balked, and few business customers needed the security and reliability offered in remote corners of the globe like Katmandu. As a result, Motorola's 25 percent market share in cell phones declined steadily to 13 percent in 2001, and Motorola stock fell 16 percent from 1997-2001, during a period when the S&P 500 was up 76 percent. Characterize the product space for mobile phones with Iridium began.

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Microeconomics: Characterize the product space for mobile phone
Reference No:- TGS065567

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