
characteristics of unijunction

Characteristics of  unijunction transistor:

Characteristics : The static emitter characteristic of UJT at a given inter base voltage VBB in shown in fig. From fig., it is noted that for emitter potentials to the left of peak point, emitter current IE never exceeds IEO. The current IEO corresponds very closely to the reverse leakage current ICO of the conventional BJT. This region, as shown in the fig., is called the cut off region. Once conduction is established at VE = VP the emitter potential VE stars decreasing with the increase in emitter current IE. This corresponds exactly with the decrease in resistance current IE. The device, therefore, has a negative resistance region which is stable enough to be used with a great deal of reliability in the areas of applications listed earlier. Eventually, the valley point reaches, and any further increase in emitter current IE places the device in the saturation region, as shown in the fig. three other important parameters for the UJT are IP, VV and IV and are defined below :

Peak Point Emitter Current IP : It is the emitter current at the peak point. It represents the minimum current that is required to trigger the device. It is inversely proportional to the inter base voltage VBB.

Valley point Voltage VV : The valley point voltage is the emitter voltage at the valley point. The valley voltage increases with the increase in inter base voltage VBB.

Valley Point Current IV : The valley point voltage is the emitter voltage at the valley point. The valley voltage increases with the increase in inter base voltage VBB.

Special Features of UJT : The special features of a UJT are :

1. A stable triggering voltage a fixed fraction of applied inters base voltage VBB.

2. A very low value of triggering current.

3. A negative resistance characteristic.

4. Low cost.

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Electrical Engineering: characteristics of unijunction
Reference No:- TGS0203602

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