
Characteristics of the microprocessor 8085

1) Describe the function of buses that are used in the microprocessor.

2) Write comparisons between microprocessor and microcontroller.

3) Explain some of the characteristics of the microprocessor 8085.

4) Explain the pin diagram of the microprocessor 8085 with the help of diagram.

5) Explain the block diagram of microprocessor 8085 and also draw the block diagram.

6) Explain the Flag Register of microprocessor 8085. Develop the PSW format. Specify the status of several flags after execution of the 9BH +E5H.

7) Specify the registers of 8 bit and 16 bit registers.

8) Explain the following term:

a) Hardware and Software.

b) Assembly language and Machine language.

9) Specify the functions of following pins of microprocessor 8085:


b) ALE

c) SID


10) Describe the functions of following blocks of microprocessor 8085:

a) Program Counter

b) Stack Pointer

c) Instruction decoding and machine cycle encoding

d) ALU

11) Explain the basic organization of microprocessor based system and draw its block diagram.

12) Explain the functions of following given pins of microprocessor 8085:



c) S1

d) X1 and X2

13) Explain several types of addressing modes of microprocessor 8085 with the help of suitable example.

14) Write down function of the following instructions of microprocessor 8085.

a) DCX H


c) SHLD 2000H

d) DAD D

15) Write comparisons of the following instruction of microprocessor 8085:

a) INX H and INR H.

b) STA 2000H and STAX B.

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Computer Engineering: Characteristics of the microprocessor 8085
Reference No:- TGS011908

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