Problem 1: Roadblocks: Jeff Smith was not a mainstream political figure, and he had no previous political experience. What were the many obstacles that he faced throughout the entire campaign process (Bullet your answers)?
Problem 2: What were the methods/strategies that his campaign used to brand his name to the public? (How did they get his message across and make his name a household name?)
Problem 3: What are some of the similar characteristics of the members of his campaign team?
Problem 4: What is one of the methods used by Russ Carnahan to get campaign workers and "establish grassroots" in Missouri?
Problem 5: What did the news stations want from the candidates in order to get airtime? What problem does that pose for the democratic process?
Problem 6: What does it mean that Carnahan's support is coming from his "mother?"
Problem 7: What is Jeff Smith's disappointment with The American, and what flaw does that show about the political process and its effects on minority political leaders?
Problem 8: What or who do 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4's represent in the campaign process? What is the purpose of determining these numbers (people)?
Problem 9: What is a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) campaign? Why does the whole campaign revolve around this program?
Problem 10: What is meant by Russ Carnahan "won without winning?" Who then chooses our political leadership?
Problem 11: What is the concern of the campaign staffer at the end that Russ Carnahan will never lose his seat as long as he chooses to stay in office?