
Characteristics of millenials

Discuss the following:

1. Write a paper based on the following points:

• Characteristics of Millenials in the Workplace.

• How to recruit, select, and keep Millenials engaged in the workplace?

• Is your company prepared to deal with Millennials? Would you make any changes in your current HR systemin order to respond to that trend? Be specific and craft a managerial plan to implement the changes.


1. The document should follow the APA structure: Cover page, Abstract, Main body (three pages minimum), Conclusions, References. Times New Roman, font 12, and double spacing recommended.

2. Tables, Charts, Figures should be in the document as APA mandates.


This exercise is designed to provide you with the opportunity to make a decision about the usefulness of labor unions. Most people have very strong feelings about labor unions, leading to the current ongoing debate questioning the unions usefulness in the workplaces of the 21st century. The staunch supporters focus on empowerment of employees and the creation of an improved work environment. Those who avidly oppose them focus on the fact that regulatory bodies monitor working conditions, the work environment has been improved, and therefore labor unions have nothing left to accomplish.

Read the following statement and choose a side (either you agree with the statement, which is the pro side, or you disagree with the statement, which is the con side of the argument).

Resolved: Labor unions have no place in the U.S. workplaces of the 21st century. Once you have chosen a side, research the issue to find facts to support your belief. Prepare a one page executive summary and a cover letter addressed to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) detailing three to five arguments in support of your belief (either pro or con). The executive summary should be persuasive in nature, as to convince the NLRB that unions are either useful or not useful in the 21st century. (NLRB) detailing three to five arguments in support of your belief (either pro or con). The executive summary should persuasive in nature, as to convince the NLRB that unions are either useful or not useful in the 21st century. belief (either pro or con). The executive summary should be persuasive in nature, as to convince the NLRB that unions are either useful or not useful in the 21st century. persuasive in nature, as to convince the NLRB that unions are either useful or not useful in the 21st century.

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Other Subject: Characteristics of millenials
Reference No:- TGS01752847

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