Question 1: What are the characteristics of insects which make them most successful as pests?
Question 2:
a) What are the fundamental components of an IPM program?
b) How did IPM evolve historically?
Question 3: Complete the given table:

Question 4:
a) Why do we require system approach in the pest management?
b) Give illustrations of tactical and strategic decisions taken in pest management.
c) Distinguish between the active remote sensing and passive remote sensing.
Question 5: Write brief notes on given:
a) Physical Control Methods.
b) Behavioral Control Methods.
c) Resurgence and Replacement of pests.
Question 6:
a) How transgenic plants are beneficial as compared to insecticides?
b) What are the main objectives for the enforcement of Insecticides Act?
Question 7:
a) Why the significance of different tactics differs to manage various categories of pests?
b) Describe the various levels of IPM with appropriate diagrams.
c) What are the steps included in the development of an IPM program?
Question 8:
a) Describe the significance of farmer field schools.
b) What are the main objectives of Plant Health Clinics?
c) Describe the future strategies in promoting the IPM.