
Characteristics of id on learning-social attitudes


You have another assignment where I need to interview someone. I actually need the interview questions answered from a special education teacher and a regular education teacher. I am hoping that you can be my interviewee as both the special education teacher and the regular education teacher. The question that I need answered are below. I went ahead and copy and pasted the whole assignment so that you can see it.

Interview a special educator and a regular educator of students with ID. Focus on addressing the following:

1. Issues relating to terminology, law, and identification of ID

2. Issues surrounding the definition and classification of students with ID

3. The impact of characteristics of ID on learning, social attitudes, and curricular needs

I also have to write a comparison essay with the viewpoint of both a regular education instructor and a special education instructor.


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Other Subject: Characteristics of id on learning-social attitudes
Reference No:- TGS01932988

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