
Characteristics of child development center


Course Project Assignment: Center Description and Sources of Funding

Note: Review the information in the Project Overview section prior to completing this assignment.

In the first part of this assignment, you will briefly describe the type, mission/vision, location of, and population served by the child development center that you have selected. Then, as the director of this child development center, you will consider how you might raise funds for the operation of the center. Consider at least three specific ways you might fund this center (in addition to parent fees). Would government subsidies apply to your type of program? Which ones? What other avenues are there for raising funds in your community (e.g., in-kind donations or grants) and which ones might you pursue? Why? You will describe a plan for raising funds and explain your choices.

You may use the Module 1 Project Worksheet found in the Week 1 resources to complete this assignment.

For the project, just stick to the assignment. You can use the worksheet; however, do not forget to follow the APA template as much as you can. I look for title pages, introduction paragraphs, then the "meat" of the assignment, conclusion, and a reference page. Headers are always helpful, especially in these projects. It keeps you organized, and it makes sure you answer all of the questions.

In the first part of this assignment, you will briefly describe the type, mission/vision, location of, and population served by the child development center that you have selected. Then, as the director of this child development center, you will consider how you might raise funds for the operation of the center. Consider at least three specific ways you might fund this center (in addition to parent fees). Would government subsidies apply to your type of program? Which ones? What other avenues are there for raising funds in your community (e.g., in-kind donations or grants) and which ones might you pursue? Why? You will describe a plan for raising funds and explain your choices.

You may use the Module 1 Project Worksheet found in the Week 1 resources to complete this assignment

Required Resources


Hearron, P. F., & Hildebrand, V. (2015). Management of child development centers (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

"Fiscal Management" (pp. 101-110 only)

In this part of the authors identify types and sources of funding for child development centers and explain how funds are typically allocated. Focus on what sources you might tap as a child development center director to raise funds for your center.

Part 1: Describing Your Child Development Center

In the spaces below, identify the major characteristics of your child development center.

A. Type (i.e., investment in human capital; supplement to care/education provided by families; remedial or compensatory service: research and teacher preparation; consumer service):

B. MissionNision Statement:

C. Location:

D. Population served:

E. Other relevant details:

Part 2: Funding Your Center

In the spaces below, identify three different sources of funding for your center. For each source, write a brief paragraph explaining specific details regarding the following:

• What, specifically, the funding source is (e.g.. If it's a government subsidy, from what specific agency might your child development center derive funds?)

• How you might secure the funds (e.g., If it's a grant, from which organization might you request it and what would this process entail?)

• Why this is a good choice for your center (e.g.. If it's a fundraising operation [bake sale, raffle, community event), what makes you think this would be a success?)

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Business Law and Ethics: Characteristics of child development center
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