
Characteristics of a push versus a pull system

Question 1. There are six primary objectives of JIT, name at least three.

Question 2. What are some characteristics of a push vs. a pull system? Provide at least two characteristics for each system.

Question 3. The JIT philosophy on inventory management involves many principles, name at least four.

Question 4. Provide at least four benefits of JIT.

Question 5. Six Sigma follows a disciplined process of 4 steps, what are these steps?

Question 6. What are the four axioms of Total Quality Management?

Question 7. A common proverb used in business is: "That which is not measured is not managed." In what ways does total quality management agree and disagree with this statement?

Question 8. The eighth of Deming's Fourteen Points of Management states that a firm must "drive out fear." Discuss the practicality of this tenet. Can an effective TQM program be realized in an organization in which employees experience fear?

Question 9. Discuss the conditions under which inspecting a good or service is not waste. What products would you be willing to pay more for because their performance is assured through some inspection process? Cite a product for which this condition previously existed but that you now are willing to buy without inspection.

Question 10. You have been appointed head of quality control for your organization. During the first month, you interview disciples of Deming, Juran, and Crosby. Each seems to be equally affable and competent. Which consultant would you hire for your organization? Why?

Question 11. As a star operations management student, you try to apply kaizen at your work. An experienced supervisor retorts, "kaizen - that is just another one of those Japanese fads. I'll wait for next year's." Is the supervisor's interpretation incorrect? Why do you think your supervisor might feel that way?

Question 12. Why are export-oriented countries, such as Germany and Japan, on the leading edge of the quality movement?

Question 13. Provide three examples of self-sourcing. How do each of these examples benefit the business providing the product/service? The customer?

Question 14. What activities should a hotel consider outsourcing? Why? What activities would you consider outsourcing in your business?

Question 15. Give three examples of project processes. What are the five biggest keys to running a project successfully?

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Strategic Management: Characteristics of a push versus a pull system
Reference No:- TGS01848155

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