
characteristics define cancer -

Characteristics Define Cancer - Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is the extreme proliferation of cells which can be observed in normal as well as cancerous tissues. In normal tissue, as a result of interaction along with physical, chemical or biological agents, cells might proliferate excessively for a while. Though, this state of affairs eventually comes back to normalcy. In the issue of neoplastic tissue, cells proliferate excessively resulting in much more and more abnormal cells. Contrary to popular belief, hyperplasia does not mean an increased rate of proliferation. Malignant cells show the same variation in rates of division as do healthy cells. Though, malignant cells simply do not respond to regulatory processes as do healthy cells. Tissue cultures of malignant cells are immortal, i.e. they continue to divide infinitely as long as nutrition is provided, while normal cells stop dividing after a limited number of divisions.

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Biology: characteristics define cancer -
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