
Characteristic of popular cultural attractions

Problem1. “Culture and commerce have clearly become intertwined in a context of the cultural and creative industries. In the post contemporary world of global cultural consumption, culture has become a commodity to be packaged and sold much like any other.”................ (Smith, 2003)

a) Critically describe the concept of culture and cultural tourism and talk about the scope of the latter concept.

b) By Using proper examples to explain your arguments, critically analyze the various typologies of cultural tourists.

Problem2. “Many cultural heritage assets are ideally suited to become attractions, for they enfold the unique characteristics of a place that reflects its history, lifestyle and environment....But, the decision to pursue cultural tourism is frequently made with incomplete knowledge of potential unpleasant impacts or of requirement for successful product development. The former has been discussed extensively in literature, while little has been written about the latter” (McKercher et al., 2004)

a) Critically inspect the characteristic of popular cultural attractions. Use proper illustrations from Mauritius and/or internationally to demonstrate your arguments.

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Reference No:- TGS04511

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