
Character - choose a character and explore their emotions

Assignment -

Post Expectations:

1. All assignments should be between 175-200 words long. Do not exceed 200 words.

2. Responses will be thoughtful, personal, and show a clear understanding of the specific reading.

3. Language will be formal, descriptive and elevated

4. Post will NOT include emoticons, text language or Teenspeak. If an exclamation is appropriate, please use one.

Post Options:

A. Character - Choose a character and explore their emotions, motives & actions. Consider what other characters say about them. Be critical and analyze how this character is portrayed and/or developed. Consider what we have discussed in class but also make your own connections & criticisms. (Image needed)

Needs to do just character A only.

Success Criteria:

  • Blog entry shows evidence of thorough preparation through critical reading and reflection thereby demonstrating integration of relevant concepts, ideas, and principles.
  • Blog demonstrates use of higher level thinking (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) and illustrates a thoughtful approach to the content.
  • Blog entry conveys evidence of creative thinking through original ideas and the integration of various forms of media to supplement the writing throughout the entire entry.
  • Blog entry is clear, concise, coherent and easy to understand demonstrating elements of a strong writing style.
  • Blog entry demonstrates a polished, professional quality with few, if any, errors.

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Dissertation: Character - choose a character and explore their emotions
Reference No:- TGS02680565

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