
Chapter 2 in literature for todays young adults 9th edition


Discussion of Chapter: Scholarly analysis/ summary of Ch2 that follows instructions and address areas referenced below?

Part one: Chapter 2 in "Literature for Todays Young Adults 9th edition, by AlleenPace Nilsen"provides an overview of the history of what adolescents have read and how they have been represented over time. As you will see, the idea of writing for adolescents rather than just about them is relatively new. In your discussion this week, I would like for you write about what in our reading surprised you, challenged earlier assumptions, or raised questions about what has counted (or not) as young adult or adolescent literature over time. Be sure to keep the discussion rubric in mind as you construct your thread and responses. You should post by creating your own thread by the 30th.
DO in 3-5 paragraphs, citated when necessary. I

Part two: Discussion Scholarly respond in original post to this discussion

Discussion of The Fault in Our Stars By John Green

This week we will read one of the most popular contemporary authors and novels. In your response, I would like for you to consider several possibilities for discussion, one being how the portrayal of adolescence and the adolescents themselves differ in this novel compared to those described from the late 19th and early 20th century in your chapter 2 textbook reading. You may also discuss how Green portrays or fails to portray the contemporary adolescent experience in this novel.

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