
Chapter 16 of the text introduction to teaching discusses

Continuing Professional Development

Chapter 16 of the text, Introduction to Teaching, discusses how to succeed in a teacher education program and how to continue to improve one's teaching once someone begins teaching. Submit a 600-word journal entry (not including a title page or reference page) that describes your own professional development. To check and improve your college level writing please use the Ashford Writing Center resources at:
https://awc.ashford.edu/Index.html and use Grammarly to edit your writing before uploading to Waypoint.

Some of you will be classroom teachers, while others of you will enter other careers in education. With that in mind, in which program in the College of Education are you enrolled? What strategies will you use to be successful in your program in the College of Education? What challenges do you anticipate in completing your program? How will you work to overcome these challenges? What type of position in education are you planning to seek after you graduate? What concerns do you have about performing the position you are hoping to have?

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Reference No:- TGS01469183

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