Changes in Animal Life during Xerosere
Just like the hydrosere, there occur successive changes in animal life during the xerosere. A few mites are usually found associated with the lichens. Initially, the fauna is sparse in terms of species composition. There are a-few ants or a few spiders present in the cracks and crevices of rock. These pioneer animals are exposed to harsh environment particularly the thermal extremes. As succession progresses, the mites become more varied in terms of species and small spiders, springtails as well as tardigrades become associated with the mosses.
At later stage of succession, when grasses start appearing, the fauna increases markedly, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Nematodes, larvel insects, collembola, ants, spiders and mites appear in this new environment. With the development of forest climax community, there develops a rich fauna consisting of invertebrates as well as vertebrates. These include springtails, mices, squirrels, shrews, and mammals like fox, chipmunk, mouse and mole, birds reptiles like turtles, snakes, and amphibians like salamanders and frogs.