
Change the perception of the current product

Sometimes, brands need to be repositioned in the marketplace for a variety of reasons, from gaining new market share to creating an image. You have suggested this during your previous meetings with your client over the last few weeks. As the marketingconsultant for your client’s brand, the management team has requested a draft of the marketing plan proposal.

Some of the information you already know from working with your client for a few months. Other parts you will have to research and create now. You will have your colleagues and the client review most of it before completing the final sections of the plan and submitting it to the client for final review.

The first draft of the marketing plan must include the following sections:

1.Situational Analysis: Include the current industry, market size, growth potential, competitive environment, and future opportunities.

2.Product Positioning Strategy: Choose a positioning strategy for your product designed to change the perception of the current product by the targeted customer group.

3.Customer Profile: Include the details related to your customer’s demographics and psychographics.

4.Marketing Communications: Include 1 message appeal by designing an advertisement for your target market and 1 communication channel for delivering the message to your target market(s). Explain why this message and media matches your target market.

5.Distribution Placement Strategies: Include at least 2 distribution options/channels to get the product to your customer. Explain why you chose these channels.

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Marketing Management: Change the perception of the current product
Reference No:- TGS0516408

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