
Change the locks to read-write locks in the hash table and

Write a threaded program for solving a 15-puzzle. The program takes an initial position and keeps an open list of outstanding positions. This list is sorted on the "goodness" measure of the boards. A simple goodness measure is the Manhattan distance (i.e., the sum of x -displacement and y-displacement of every tile from where it needs to be). This open list is a work queue implemented as a heap. Each thread extracts work (a board) from the work queue, expands it to all possible successors, and inserts the successors into the work queue if it has not already been encountered. Use a hash table (from Problem 7.9) to keep track of entries that have been previously encountered. Plot the speedup of your program with the number of threads. You can compute the speedups for some reference board that is the same for various thread counts.

Problem 7.9 Change the locks to read-write locks in the hash table and use write locks only when inserting an entry into the linked list. Examine the performance of this program as a function of k. Compare the performance to that obtained using regular locks.

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Basic Computer Science: Change the locks to read-write locks in the hash table and
Reference No:- TGS01469197

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