
Change the file templates so that all the files you create

Change the file templates so that all the files you create have your name and student number in them, Create and test the program using eclipse.

Program -

The javadocs have been provided for you to understand the class structure and implementation details.

The data classes must correctly implement the default constructor; any validation must be done in the setters. Setters should be called from any overloaded constructors.

Demonstrate your understanding of the purpose and use of abstract parent classes, i.e. to hold common attributes and behaviours.

Demonstrate your understanding of interfaces and their implementation.

Demonstrate you can follow the specification as defined in the javadoc and the console output.

Demonstrate you understanding of code commenting.

Demonstrate the purpose and correct use of toString().

The driver class (Lab1) should test the validation processes. This means bad data should also be tested.

You must demonstrate proper coding practices, and the ability to create documentation.

Javadocs -

Javadocs have been included in the doc folder. You must use the documentation to create your classes and implementation.

Generating javadocs -

Select your project folder, then...

The 'Generate Javadoc' dialog will open.

The default values should be OK, so just click 'Finish'.

Attachment:- Lab Assignment.rar

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JAVA Programming: Change the file templates so that all the files you create
Reference No:- TGS02260782

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