
Change management and od

Question 1: Change is highly significant to the success of an organization however many people have the tendency overtly or covertly to resist it’. Describe this statement.

Question 2: Describe the change and its effects on the employees and organization.

Question 3: Write a note on the Transactional and Transformational Change.

Question 4: Describe Force field model of the change management.

Question 5: Describe how the change can be facilitated in an organization.

Question 6: Describe how cultural change can be brought in an organization. Describe with illustrations.

Question 7: Describe the OD Process.

Question 8: ‘A healthy organization culture rests on eight values of OCTAPACE’. Describe.

Question 9: Organizational Development is all about change. Describe how OD practices help in bringing about the change in Organization.

Question 10: Describe the suppositions and values of organizational development.

Question 11: Describe the operational goals of OD with appropriate examples.

Question 12: Describe the role of consultant and client in Organization development.

Question 13: What do you mean by the term Action Research? Describe action research process. How it Supplements OD?

Question 14: What are Parallel Learning Structures?

Question 15: What do you mean by the term Sensitivity Training? State some advantages of Sensitivity training and as well mention its limitations.

Question 16: Describe the relevance of Quality of Work-Life and recent trends influencing the quality of Work-Life of Employees

Question 17: Describe Systems Theory.

Question 18: Describe any one OD Model.

Question 19: Describe the term Survey Feedback? As well describe the significance of survey feedback in OD.

Question 20: Describe the operational goals of OD with appropriate examples.

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Other Management: Change management and od
Reference No:- TGS02850

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