Change is considered by many as the new normal effective

Transformational Leadership

Change is considered by many as the new normal. Effective change management must be part of an organization's DNA. An emerging leadership style called the transformational style has been shown to be effective in this environment, especially in leading change. This form of leadership goes beyond traditional forms of leadership which relied mainly on centralized control. It emphasizes more open communication, collaboration, and participation by employees.

 research the transformational style of leadership. Respond to the following:

  • What are the key attributes of the transformational style of leadership?
  • Have you seen effective transformational leaders in action? If so, share some examples.
  • Which of the other leaders that you have seen come close to being effective transformational leaders? Justify your answer with appropriate examples.

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Finance Basics: Change is considered by many as the new normal effective
Reference No:- TGS01041611

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