
Change in business development

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Draft of your project you must ensure that it contains all required project components as outlined


The objective for your final course project is to identify a need for change in a company or organization with which you are affiliated (past of present) and propose a plan for managing that change.

Walmart is one of the largest companies in America; it has solidified its position as the biggest retailer in America and the world over with several branches all around the globe. Walmart prides itself in affordable products for everyday Americans. This is a promise it seems to have kept so as to solidify its place at the top.

Recently, the company has been going through a number of challenges inclusive of lowered stock prices and very low sales, most of its customers are not in a position to afford to shop because of the state of the current economy and its inability to fully penetrate the online market. Economists have termed it as a period of a “perfect storm” and as such, there is a need for change. The fundamental problems affecting the performance of Walmart is its management.

Walmart management has failed to fulfill its required expectations. It has failed to provide a sufficient online presence considering the size of the store. The administration has also failed to provide its customers with adequate services. Service provision failures are evident in the untrained employees who are not able to cater to all the customer needs. Service provision has also failed because the gap between the managers and the customers has widened and as such the customers no longer feel valued.

Some of the recommendation that could prove useful to the Walmart owners and management team include taking the time to re-evaluate its service provision. Walmart should invest in training its employees to ensure they can cater to all the customer needs. Another recommendation is to benchmark from other companies who have succeeded in establishing a strong online presence. Taking time to learn what they can do to improve their presence from others could prove very useful.


Wal-Mart faces big hurdles - Yahoo Finance. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wal-mart-faces-big-hurdles-125013357--finance.html

Change in management in an organization

Purpose for organizational development change

• Change in business development usually enhanced by the quality of the business organization, aim and formulates a business development strategy.

• When formulating business development goals and comprises new market and product development.

• Business organization, structure, processes and international development regarding acquisition and disposals is also partly subjective and scientific based on the wishes and feeling of business owners or CEO.

Problems resulting from the organizational changes

• Problems that come with this supposed variations in the business environment are such as employees and managers resistance which typically addressed proactively because strength and persistence can threaten a project.

• Resistance management is usually a process and tool used by executives and managers with change team support to manage resistance by the employees during the process.

Solutions regarding the problems faced

• In handling the problems created by staff and managers, one need to recognize that change is not a one-way street and that employee involvement is highly needed whenever taking that important decision.

•  Employees feedback implementation is the key factor in the change management process for instance change managers can take into considerations of analysing the comments and implement corrective measures to ensure full adoption the changes proposed and implementation.

Best practices to help in the changes

• Whenever it comes to appropriate methods of dealing with the changes within the organization, you will find that the main issue being defensiveness and people's resistance to new faces within the company and also the shifting of their official positions to other positions within the organization.

• Whenever this challenge is overcome, you may start the comparison between what’s happening and what the team set out to do and even how people feel about the whole procedure.

•  Protocols are to be observed diligently with proper introductions be willing to ask for help, introductions and permissions to.

Plan of organizational changes

• These being the final stage where you can sit back from the whole program and start an evaluation of failures and success and even mark changes for the next program or project. This part of ongoing continuous improvements in change management and ultimately lead to the modification competency.

• Along with change management process, systems are created to manage the whole system to ensure success in projects avoid losing key employees to minimize adverse impacts changes in the company’s customers and productivity.

International contingency in organizational changes

•  Early adoption, wins and long term successes must be recognized and celebrated because it is the key element in change that shows that employees are appreciated. Adoption, however, needs to be done to ensure there are no slip backs into their old ways.


•  It is likely that you’ll have to write a report and recommendations afterward. In any case, you should plan lots of questions which help you know how they feel about a condition or situation and what should be done to improve these areas for better performance. Let there be no surprises and always do your best to be constructive.

•  Look at the customers’ relationship materials as well because they will give you brief highlights on what is best to be focused on. Try on looking at the employee motivation survey materials too.


Chia, D., Chopra, S., Brooks, A., & Patel, M. (2016, April). Factors that lead to changes in management in a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting for urological cancers. In BJU INTERNATIONAL (Vol. 117, pp. 36-36). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.

Apte, A. (2016). “Impact of Institutional Changes Felt by Faculty Members”: A Study with Reference to Management Institutes in Pune City. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 2278682116629519.

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