
Change impact on quality of care and safety concerns for

Based on your change topic that you selected in Week 1 about a recent change occurring in your workplace

(e.g., a change in the levels of staffing; a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement; a change in use of equipment or supplies; a change in charting or computerized medical records; and so on), you will develop an outline of your final paper.


The outline should be 1-2 pages and should contain the following:

1 introductory paragraph including the statement "The purpose of this paper is to..."

The following required headings:

Change Description

Change Implications for Nursing

Change Impact on Quality of Care and Safety Concerns for Patients

Implementation Plan for Change


Under each main heading, the outline should include the following:

a main-point sentence

a link or transition sentence to the main point

a reference to the research article that relates to the heading or topic

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Dissertation: Change impact on quality of care and safety concerns for
Reference No:- TGS02634045

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