Challenging Adolescent Belief Systems
Have anyone considered why in a clinical setting you do not want to challenge an adolescent's belief system?To them is it just one more adult that doesn't understand? The only risk (and I do not mean to minimize this) is that of risk taking. The problem is that teens think they are invincible and cannot be hurt - this could lead to risk taking behavior. The implications are that in therapy, this type of egocentrism can be used by the therapist to help an adolescent arrive at the conclusion that risk taking is not a good idea. Not through argument - but rather allowing them to come to that conclusion by themselves. Videos are great resources as long as they aren't produced specifically for this reason (kids can tell). The relevance of cognitive-social immaturity is in addressing the risk behaviors of adolescents. High-quality vocational training that integrates academic and job-related instruction helps students see the relevance of what happens in the classroom to their future goals. Remedial instruction and counseling that offer personalized attention can help overcome the negative psychological effects of repeated school failure. Efforts must be made to address the many factors in students; lives related to leaving school early. Participation in extracurricular activities can draw some marginal students into the community life of the school. As the adolescent matures some of this willcure itself - but the clinician should address the risk-taking if this has become a problem with skill and understanding.
I would love to hear what you think. Any thoughts?