
Challenges you faced in forecasting demand

This paper is based on your experience with the entire simulation between. Use as many examples as you can to show me your logic for making the decisions – I am interested in both the “Why” and the “How”.  When numbers are required, quote them generously.  Assume that I have no clue about what you are presenting – I need to see detail and depth of understanding.  This paper is almost like you are looking at yourself and your team from the outside.

You learnt about various functional areas of business – and you ran a successful business for 5 quarters.  This is tremendous, hard learning for you. Discuss your total experience based on the following:

1. Detail all the challenges you faced in forecasting demand – how did your decisions impact the end performance?

2. Looking back, discuss the many opportunities that were there (looking at your competitors) for you, which you didn’t make use of and could have used to your benefit

3. Did you do better, equal to or worse than your competitors. Pick a few parameters e.g. Market share, market performance, wealth generation etc.

4. There was a lot of Market Research information available to you – to help you make decisions to further your numbers.  Discuss ways in which you used information to make quality decisions

5. Talk about your role in the team – what contribution did you make and what value did you create in the team? Did your understanding, your effort and your participation balance out – this is more of a self-assessment process.  Remember I have been following your individual progress throughout.  Be as candid as you can.

You could also talk about team members if you choose to.

• Type in a word document and attach
• Minimum of 3-5 pages single spaced
•  No need to type in the questions – use paragraphs and highlighter for specific concept/topic e.g. Sales force, Advertising, Pricing
• Please spellcheck and format so the paper comes off looking professional
• Cite any sources that you use

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Other Subject: Challenges you faced in forecasting demand
Reference No:- TGS01613533

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