
Challenges of a dual-diagnosis client


Develop and write a role-play where a client has a dual diagnosis. The faculty member must approve your selection. The role-play must include a human service worker looking to provide support to a client, with the remaining team members playing family members, neighbors, special needs aides, and so forth.

Create an annotated role-play script that includes the following: the script must be on a person that has a mood disorder such as depression and a problem with alcohol

In the role-play, the team will demonstrate their ability to capture the challenges of a dual-diagnosis client. The team will approach the client with a possible treatment and explain their recommendations.

Consider the following as you prepare your role-play:

• Some approaches or interventions for the substance use and the complicated dual factor

• How the disorders affect each other and contribute to worsening the substance abuse disorder

• The challenges the client may face in society due to the non-addiction diagnosis problem in addition to addictionIf I understand this assignment correctly, we are to make up our own script which will include:

Should  include a human service worker looking to provide support to a client family member, neighbors, special needs aide etc.

We need to give the client a dual diagnoses as stated Alcoholism and Depression.

• Some approaches or interventions for the substance use and the complicated dual factor (AOD Counselor)

• How the disorders affect each other (Family Member)

• How it contributes to worsening the substance abuse disorder (Psychiatrists/Therapist)

• The challenges the client may face in society due to the non-addiction diagnosis problem in addition to addiction (Close friend and Co-Worker)

I'm thinking do a short script, maybe 50-100 words response each questions and approach the client with a possible treatment and explain your recommendations.

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Other Subject: Challenges of a dual-diagnosis client
Reference No:- TGS01839019

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