
Challenges inherent in the investigations


Paper details:

Effective researchers in the field of special education are acutely aware of the challenges inherent in their investigations. Working with children with exceptionalities brings with it particularly important responsibilities. These responsibilities include careful attention to the treatment of subjects, validity, and the use of results. Theories must be studied using a robust measurement of appropriate variables and a respective statistical analysis.

To prepare for this Assignment, carefully review the required articles and information in the Rumrill text. Pay particular attention to the types of challenges facing the field of special education and how they may be addressed with valid measurement, theory, and study.

Assignment Directions:

1. Challenges to research practices in special education.

Describe the challenges posed to those who design, implement, and utilize the results of research in the field of special education.

2. The purpose of measurement in special education.

Describe the important role and purpose of measurement in supporting valid research in special education.

3. The role of theory and effective practices.

Indicate the importance of a clearly articulate theory in providing a foundation from which to conduct research and identify effective practices.

4. Identification of variables.

Describe the importance of, and process for, identifying research variables.

5. Statistical methods used in special education.

Indicate the role of specific methods of statistical analysis, and their importance in conducting valid research in special education.

Cite the text, articles, and other current peer reviewed research in support of your position. Be specific, and provide examples. Remember to use APA format in completing this Assignment.

Use the following books for additional information to include in paper

Rumrill, P. D., Cook, B. G., & Wiley, A. L. (2011). Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, LTD.

o Chapter 1, “Introduction to Research in Special Education” (pp. 3–17)

Focus on the elements of research that are common across studies in the field of education. Also pay particular attention to characteristics of research that are unique to special education. Note challenges to the science of special education.

o Chapter 2, “Getting Started in Special Education Research—Variables, Research Questions, and Hypotheses” (pp. 18–37)

Focus on research questions, identification of variables, theory, and sampling. Review sources of research ideas. Consider the various types of sampling procedures and the variety of variable types.

o Chapter 3, “Measurement and Statistics in Special Education Research” (pp. 38–72)

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