
Challenges created by market dynamics


Respond by offering an alternative perspective of the most important element of the strategic planning process.

Be sure to support your posting and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and/or current literature. Use APA formatting to cite references in your posting and responses.

The emerging approaches to management in public organizations stems from the challenges created by the market dynamics, including globalization and advances in technology. Strategic planning for success has therefore assumed greater importance for managers of public institutions.

The key elements of the strategic planning process depends to a large extend on the model one adopts (whether conventional, issues-based, alignment, inspirational etc.). The policy process involves constant deliberations, bargaining and negotiations by politicians and other interest groups (Moore, 1995; Van Horn, et al., 2001). Therefore critical elements in strategic planning for public organizations include stakeholders, resource alignment and more importantly how to deliver sustainable outcomes.

Strategic planning is a set of managerial decisions that determine the long term survival of an institution according to Whaelen and Hunger (2005). It is critical to constantly monitor and elevate the external opportunities and threats taking into consideration the internal strengths and weaknesses.

In this regard, stakeholder analysis is critical to the success of strategic planning for success because it provides the opportunity for the institution to respond adequately to their needs and allow for institutional relevance and achievement of strategic objectives. Resource alignment is also important as it allows for the effective deployment of resources to meet objectives.

The strategic planning for Parliament of Ghana which I coordinate, takes into consideration all emerging issues into consideration in developing strategic initiatives particularly the issue stakeholder consultation because as an institution representing the people, the institutional relevance is determined by the ability to respond to the needs of citizens.


Bryson, J. M. (2011). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Free Management Library. (n.d.). Basic overview of various strategic planning models. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from https://managementhelp.org/strategicplanning/models.htm

Moore, M. (1995), Creating public value, 1st edn, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Van Horn, C. E., Baumer, D.C. & Gromley, W.T. (2001), Politics and public policy, 3rd edn, Congressional Quarterly Press, Washington, DC.

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Business Law and Ethics: Challenges created by market dynamics
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