You are required to find a corporation that is facing at least two, or more, of the eleven challenges . The eleven Challenges and Opportunities for OB.
Once you have identified such an organization you should create a 2 page (600 words) paper that specifically describes the challenges faced by your organization. And answer the questions - What are they doing about these challenges? Have they been successful, or unsuccessful, and why? What are their future plans (if any)?
You must use Mla format
here are the challenges:
1. Responding to econmic pressure
2. Reponding to globilzation
3.improving customer services
4. improving people skills
5.stimulating innovative and change
6.coping with tamporainess
7.working in network organaztion
8. helping employees balance work life conflict
9.creating positive work environment
10. improving ethical behavoiurs
11. working in networked organazation