Case Study: Warby Parker
Read the following material in the text related to the company, Warby Parker:
Title: Excellence in Business Communication
Edition: 12th
Authors: Thill, J. V., & Bovée, C. L.
ISBN-13: 9780134319056Company overview: "On the Job: Communicating at Warby Parker Eyeing a New Way to Sell Eyeglasses," on p. 360
• Communication challenges: "On the Job: Solving Communication Dilemmas at Warby Parker," challenges 1 and 4 on p. 388
Write a 2- to 3-page report in paragraph form with an introduction, supporting material, and conclusion that includes the following:
• Challenge 1, options a through d: Explain why that heading would or would not be the best solution based on what you learned in this course.
• Challenge 4, options a through d: Discuss why each of the options would or would not be the best visual for the report.
Format your report consistent with APA guidelines.