
chain growth or addition polymerisation it

Chain growth or addition polymerisation

It includes a series of reaction each of which consumes a reactive particle and generates another similar one.  The reactive molecule may be free radicals or ion (cation or anion) to which monomers get added through a chain reaction. So the polymers created are known like chain growth polymers. Chain growth polymerisation is a extremely significant reaction of alkenes and conjugated dienes or indeed of all types of compounds that consist of carbon-carbon double bond polypropylene, polybutadiene, teflon PVC, polythene, polystyrene are few of chain polymers. It is dependent upon three techniques or mechanism

(a) Free radical mechanism    

(b) Cation mechanism            

(c) Anion mechanism

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Chemistry: chain growth or addition polymerisation it
Reference No:- TGS0417059

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